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Geographical Position of the Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world. It occupies 1/3 of the surface of the globe and half of the World Ocean. It is situated in the northern and southern hemispheres. It is crossed by the equator in the middle. The Pacific Ocean washes 5 continents: North and South America, Eurasia, Australia and Antarctica. It has an oval form and is very wide near the equator.

The eastern coastlines of the ocean are unbroken. The western ones, on the contrary, are very broken.

There are many seas, gulfs, islands, peninsulas near Eurasia. The seas of the Pacific Ocean: the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, the sea of Japan, the Yellow sea, the East- China sea, the Coral sea, the South-China sea, etc.

The peninsulas are: Kamchatka, Korea, Indo-China, Malay and California.

There are a lot of islands near Eurasia and Australia: Aleutian, Kuril, The isles of Japan, Sakhalin, Taiwan, the Philippines, the Greater Sundae islands, New Guinea, New Zealand and so on.

The Pacific Ocean is the deepest. Its average depth is 3.980m.The deepest place is 11.022m.( The Marians islands).The relief of the bottom is complex.

The Pacific Ocean lies in all climatic belts but Arctic. Its largest part is situated in equatorial, subequatorial, tropical climatic belts. The southern part of the ocean is colder than the northern. There are several belts of high and low atmospheric pressure, which influence the air masses, temperature and rainfalls. The trade winds blow in the centre of the ocean, the monsoons in the west. The storms are very often in the south and in the north.

The Pacific Ocean is a warm ocean because its largest part is situated between the tropics. The average t*is +19*C. Near the equator is +25*C-+29*C .In the south and north it is -1*C.

The Pacific Ocean is not salty because there are many rainfalls and a lot of rivers flow into the ocean.

The oceanic currents are connected with the predominant winds. In the north and south the currents form the rings. In the north they are: the North trade winds current, Curocio, the North Pacific current and California current. In the south there is the Western Winds current ( the greatest current in the world).

The ocean is rich in fish. A lot of minerals are mined at the bottom near the shores.

The Atlantic Ocean

Geographical Position of the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is situated in the southern and northern hemispheres. The equator crosses it in the middle. The border between the Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans lies along the line connecting Greenland, Iceland and Scandinavian peninsula. The Atlantic Ocean washes 5 continents: North and South America, Africa, Eurasia and Antarctica.

The coastlines of the ocean are broken in the northern hemisphere and unbroken in the southern hemisphere.

The seas of the Atlantic Ocean are: the Caribbean sea, the Mediterranean sea, the Black sea, the sea of Azov, the North sea, the Baltic sea, the Marmara sea, the Aegean sea, the Adriatic sea.

There are many islands in the northern hemisphere: Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, Bahamas, Greater and Lesser Antilles.

The peninsulas of the ocean are: Florida, Yucatan, Labrador, Scandinavia, Iberian, Balkan, Asia Minor.

The Atlantic Ocean is not deep. The deepest place is near the island of Puerto- Rico (9.207 m). The bottom of the ocean is rather flat, but in the middle of the ocean is a mountain range stretching from the north to the south.

The Atlantic Ocean lies in all climatic belts: equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical, temperate, arctic, Antarctic, subarctic and subantarctic. The coldest part of the ocean is situated near the Antarctica. The Atlantic Ocean is colder than the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, because the water and ice from the Arctic Ocean and from Antarctica are carried far into the Atlantic. The water of the ocean is not very salty.

The oceanic currents influence on the nature of the ocean and the shores of the continents. The direction of the currents is parallel to the meridians. The warm currents of the northern hemisphere penetrate far into the northern seas. The strongest warm current of the Atlantic Ocean is Gulf Steam. The other warm currents are: North Trade current, Guiana current, Brazil current, Guinea current, etc. the cold current is Western winds.

The continents influence on the Atlantic Ocean. The greatest rivers carry a great amount of fresh water into the ocean, but many rivers have a lot of industrial waste. Dirty water diminishes the number of living organisms in the ocean. The Sahara desert influences on the ocean . The trade winds blowing from Africa carry a lot of sand and dust into the ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean is rich in fish and natural resources such as gas, oil.

The Indian Ocean

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