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Task 1.

Complete the table.


Parts of the World

Task 2.

Characterize the oceans:

The Pacific Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean

The Indian Ocean

The Arctic Ocean

Task 3.

  1. The continent that consists of two parts of the world;

  2. The smallest continent of the world;

  3. The warmest ocean of the world;

  4. Part of the world that is formed by two continents;

  5. The coldest ocean in the world.

A – Australia;

B – the Indian Ocean;

C – Eurasia;

D – the Arctic Ocean;

E – North America;

F – South America;

G – America;

H – The Pacific Ocean;

I – Antarctica.

Task 4.

Complete the table.

Geographical maps are divided:

By scope of the territory

By contains

By scale

Task 5.

  1. The outer layer of the earth crust;

  2. Large scope of air with the same qualities;

  3. The total sum of weather during the period of years;

  4. The roughness of the earth;

  5. The plot of the surface of the earth with different natural components.

A – natural complex;

B – natural zone;

C – air masses;

D – lithosphere;

E – climatic belt;

F – climate;

G – relief;

H – highlands.

Task 6.

Complete the table.

There are different kinds of relief:

On the continent

On the oceanic bottom

Task 7.

Complete the table.


Reasons, influencing climate

Elements of climate

Task 8.

Complete the table.

Climatic belts



Task 9.

Write down the components of natural complexes of the dry land and oceans. Show the connections between the components.

  1. _________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________

Task 10.

Complete the table.

Natural zones on the continent

Natural belts of the World Ocean

Task 11.

Form adjectives:

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