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2.11. Nаme some studies (researches, investigations) or a particular study (research) of which you would say:

  1. ... led (have led) to the elucidation of ...

  2. ... helped to clear up ...

  3. ... resulted (has resulted) in ...

  4. ... brought (have brought) about ...

  5. ... provided a clue to ...

  6. ... contributed to a better understanding of ...

  7. ... adds (add, added, have added) to our knowledge of...

2.12. Give a detailed account of the study you have performed, mentioning, among other things, the nature of the problem, the purpose of the research, the overall results and con­clusions. This is meant as a presentation at the conference. Make use of the new words and expressions.


3.1. Read the text and explain when a hypothesis becomes a principle of science.

Рurе and applied science

As students of science you are probably sometimes puzzled by the terms «pure» and «applied» science. Are these two totally different activities, having little or no interconnection? Let us begin by examining what is done by each.

Pure science is primarily concerned with the development of theories (or, as they are frequently called, models) establishing relationships between the phenomena of the universe. When they are sufficiently validated these theories (hypotheses, models) become the working laws or principles of science. In carrying out this work, the pure scientist usually disregards its application to practical affairs, confining his attention to explanations of how and why events occur.

3.2. Substitute the proper English words from the list below for the Russian words in brackets.

  1. His research (привело k установлению) a new principle.

  2. The success of the space research program (явился результатом соединения) the latest achievements in science and technology.

  3. Using modern installations and techniques the scientists (удалось решить) a complicated engineering problem.

  4. Pure science (стремится постичь) the laws of the material world.

  5. Prof. E. was the first to see the advantages of the new approach and (настаивал на использования) it to interpret the results.

  6. Adequate theories often (избавляли ученых от проведения) many useless experiments.

  7. This group of engineers (ответственна за модернизацию) the laboratory equipment.

to aim at understanding; to be responsible for modernizing; to insist on making use of; to prevent scientists from making;

to result from combining; to result in establishing; to succeed in working out.

3.3. Remember the words which are most frequently used with theory and hypothesis.

Basic; alternative; tentative, working; correct, true, valid, plausible, probable, reliable, satisfactory, good, helpful, stimulating, promising; interesting, attractive, fascinating; peculiar; incorrect, untrue, invalid, improbable, unreliable.

3.4. Use the parts in A,B,С to compose sentences evaluating a theory (a hypothesis). Introduce the sentences by: As I have said; As we could see; As has been shown; As might be expected; I realize that...; I have the impression that...; Thus, we can see that...


This theory

This working hypothesis

The above hypothesis

The latter hypothesis

This rival theory

The newly-developed theory

The author has put forward an alternative hypothesis which

They elaborated a new theory which

What you have outlined here


is (seems); seems (appears) to be; is not; does not seem; does not seem to be; has; can (cannot) be regarded (accepted) as; must (should) be regarded (accepted) as; must not (should not) be regarded (accepted) as.


very attractive; quite likely; fairly convincing, quite reliable; quite explicit and clearcut; a very stimulating hypothesis; a very comprehensive theory; advantageous in some (many) inspects; a working hypothesis without which we can not get along; fairly convincing a tentative hypothesis; some attractive features; fully competent; obviously correct.

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