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26. Lombroso, Cesare, 1836 - 1909

Professor Lombroso, an Italian, is regarded as the father of the scientific study of criminals, or criminology. In an enormous book called The Criminal, he set out the idea that there is a definite criminal type, who can be recognized by his or her appearance. Some of what he said is difficult to believe- F°r example, he said that left-handed persons have a criminal instinct. Amon^ the things he considered important were the shape of the head, colour of the hair, the eyes, the curve of the chin and forehead and if the ears stick out. His i were very new at the time and, although not altogether correct, caused a interest and made other people look into the problem of crime in a scientific way.

Which derivative of the word "crime " matches the following definitions. 1) noun - the study of crime;



2) noun - a person who commits crimes;

3) noun - delinquency.

27. Luciano, Charles "Lucky" (Salvatore Luciana), 1897 - 1962

"Lucky" Luciano, so called because he led a charmed life and avoided assassination, was one of the most powerful leaders of the Mafia in the USA. Having risen to be a trusted lieutenant of Joe Masseria ("Joe the Boss"), he had him killed in 1931. This was the first step Luciano was to make in getting rid of the old guard of the Mafia, to make way for younger men like himself. In the reorganisation that followed Luciano became capo or head of one of the five New York Mafia "Families". He became the most powerful chieftain in the Mafia, and formed alliances with gangsters of other national groups such as the Jews and Irish-Americans. In 1936 he was sent to prison but paroled in 1945 because of his and the Mafia's secret work for the US government during the Second World War. Afterwards he was deported to Italy, from where he ran the European end of the Mafia's drugs operation.

Match each word or expression on the left with the correct definition on the right.

a) to lead a charmed life

b) an assassination

c) a gangster

d) to send to prison

e) to parole

1. to jail

2. a member of a gang of armed criminals

3. a murder for political reasons

4. to free a prisoner on a promise that he will not repeat a crime

5. to be lucky

29. Guess the name of the character.

He was a real live king of Scotland, but he is best known through the famous tragedy written by Shakespeare and based on his life. In the play, this king is encouraged by his wife to kill Duncan, King of Scotland, who is his guest at Dunsinane, this king's castle, and take the throne. He does kill Duncan by stabbing him to death, but he is troubled by dreams and fears that Banquo, a fellow general, will seize the throne from him. He, therefore hires two assassins to kill Banquo but lets his son escape, thereby fulfilling the prophecy that from Banquo "shall come a line of kings". After Banquo's death things go very wrong for the King. His wife, stricken by remorse, goes mad,


sleepwalking and talking of blood on her hands, and soon dies. Malcolm, Duncan's son, then sets out to avenge his father's death, marching on Dunsinane with an army. The King is defeated and killed in single combat with Macduff.