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15. Costello, Frank, 1891 - 1973

Known by American newspapers as "the Prime Minister of Crime", Costello was bora in Italy and came to America in 1896. Though not well educated, he had a very good brain, and rose steadily through the ranks of the Mafia until in 1936 he took over "Lucky" Luciano's position as capo di capo re, or head of all the Family heads. He avoided violence whenever possible, but was not afraid to use it where necessary. By 1943 he virtually owned New York, appointing city officials, judges and even mayors. He was jailed in 1954 on income tax charges and the resulting publicity made him less valuable to


Meyer Lansky's National Crime Syndicate, and he lost much of his power. An attempt was made on his life in 1957, but he was then allowed to retire in peace.

Find in the text the English equivalents for the following expressions.

- избегать насилия;

- посадить в тюрьму по обвинению в неуплате налогов;

- совершить покушение на кого-либо.

16. Crippen, Dr. Hawley Harvey, 1882 -1910

Crippen is famous as a murderer mainly because he was the first one to be caught by the use of wireless telegraphy. He was an American-born doctor who settled in London in 1900 with his wife Cora who had theatrical ambitions and used, the stageлпате Belle Elmore. In 1910 Crippen's wife vanished in susprcious cirqtmimnces and whenthe house was searched herdismembered body was d^cpvered buried in a cellar. She had been pofeonecjC Meanwhile^ Crippen had fled with his girlfriend Ethel Le Neve, who was aisguBea as а boy. They thought that they were sare once they ррагШа the liner Montrose for America, but the authorities used the newly irrventecrwireless to^aaTon a j^ajfrimgJE>' the ship's captain. Shortly afterwards "Mr Robinson" and his "son" were recognised and Crippen and Le Neve were arrested in New York and

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returned to Britain. Largely due to Crippen s insistence that she knew nothing of the crime, Ethel Le Neve was freed, but the miM, Inoffensive looking little man was nangra at Pentonville prison on 23rd November 1910. It was for his evidence given at the Crippen trial that Sir Bernard Spilsbury, the Home Office pathologist, first made a name.

Find in the text the synonyms for the expressions in brackets.

1. Those with (a strong desire to be successful) usually work hard.

2. The house was (examined carefully) in order to find the body.

3. He (used a strange appearance in order to hide) his looks, but he could not change his voice.