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4. Blake, George, b.1922

Born in Holland, he was a famous traitor (a) and Russian spy. During the Second World War, he was a member of the Dutch resistance until he escaped to England, joined the Navy and changed his name to Blake. He joined the intelligence services and was captured in Korea while serving in the British Embassy in Seoul. Blake was released (b) in 1953 but had been secretly converted to (c) communism while a prisoner. He then served as an agent for MI6 and as a double agent (d) for the Russians, first in Berlin and later in Britain. In 1960 he was arrested and sentenced (e) in 1961 to no less than forty-two years in prison. But in 1967, helped by a released fellow-prisoner, he made (f) a daring escape from Wormwood Scrubs prison and was smuggled out to Moscow (g) by the Russians.

Match each word or expression on the left with the correct definition on the right.

a) a traitor

b) to release a man from prison

c) to convert sb. to sth.

d) a double agent

l.to find a way out of prison

2.to state that a person has to have a certain


3.a person who is disloyal to his country

4.to allow a person to go free

e) to sentence sb. to... years in 5.a spy who supplies information to both prison sides

f) to make an escape from 6.to get sb. secretly and illegally from a place


g) to smuggle sb. out

7.to cause a person to change his beliefs

5. Guess the name of the character.

He is the most famous special agent in fiction, a kind of superman. As Agent 007 he appears in a series of thirteen stories written by Ian Fleming (1908 - 1964). He is always given the most dangerous jobs, and he succeeds in every case, even when faced by enormous difficulties. To help him, his boss in MI5, known only as "M", provides him with ingenious gadgets like a car which turns into a submarine. He enjoys the high life, good food, beautiful women and the best hotels. He is so well described by Fleming that he has almost become a real person. Films have been made of almost all stories, and he has been played by Sean Connery, George Lazonby and, most recently, by Roger Moore. The first book was Casino Royale, other well-known ones are From Russia with Love, Dr. No, On Her Majesty's Secret Service and Goldfinger.

6. Bonnie and Clyde (Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow), d.1934

In the days of the Depression in America after 1929, these two young people made a great name for themselves robbing stores and committing murders quite casually and often for the sheer fun of it. Bonnie Parker was a waitress when she met Clyde Barrow, and she ended up a legendary figure known for her love of red dresses, cigars and firearms. Working in the southern states of the USA they left behind a trail of destruction . On several occasions they were trapped by the police , but seemed to bear a charmed life and escaped even through a hail of bullets. On one occasion they held up a prison farm killing a guard and helping a friend to escape. Huge rewards were by then offered for their capture. Following a tip-off , the police finally ambushed Bonnie and Clyde at a crossroads and killed them in the gunfight that followed. In 1967 a film was made of their exploits, which resulted in the two becoming almost cult figures, and a pop song was written about them, which became a best-selling record.

Find in the text the English equivalents for the expressions below.

- убить кого-либо в перестрелке;

- оставить за собой след разрушения;

- секретная информация, предоставленная в качестве предупреждения;

- быть пойманным полицией;

- сделать себе громкое имя;

- подвиг;

- предложить вознаграждение за захват преступника;


- только ради удовольствия;

- ограбить магазин;

- совершить убийство;

- остановить и ограбить;

- экономический кризис;

- сбежать под градом пуль;

- быть удачливым;

- устроить кому-либо засаду.