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Практические задания.

Exercise 1. Translate the phrases; make them plural where it is possible.

total vacuum, abscissa of simple convergence, present an ultimatum, urogenital apparatus, digestive apparatus, critical apparatus, to challenge a thesis, to refute a thesis, imaginary axis, longitudinal axis, make a synthesis, plague bacillus, to hold a symposium, malignant bacterium, collapsed stratum, calculus of extrema, stimuli generation, receive a stimulus, the corpus of American poetry, degenerate spectrum, cabinet crisis, closed species, species of structure, wood species, accept/reject criterion, cost criterion, cycle criterion, root-mean-square criterion, half-density radius, change of datum, light quantum, facially regular polyhedron, special emphasis, infant phenomenon, transport phenomenon, depth of focus, close a parenthesis, remove parentheses, even-charge nucleus, ordered nucleus, the genius of our tongue, a good genius, generalized momentum, angular momentum, null hypothesis, to advance, formulate, propose a hypothesis, index to economic progress, consumer-price index, cost-of-living index, minimum of subsistence, relative minimum, means of communication, means to an end, distribution of sample means, fundamental locus, production efficiency locus, corrosive medium, input medium.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences using appropriate words from the list above.

1. Этот тезис содержит неопределенный термин. 2. Здесь наблюдается симметрия относительно оси абсцисс. 3. Результат исследования приводятся в приложении. 4. Прибор для исследования микроорганизмов называется микроскопом. 5. Нам следует определить направление оси координат. 6. В почке обнаружен камень. 7. Свод законов этой страны можно найти в библиотеке. 8. В стране начался экономический кризис. 9. Гипотеза была отвергнута. 10. Гипербола – плоская кривая, состоящая из двух бесконечных ветвей. 11. Данный коэффициент – производная нескольких переменных. 12. Что такое геометрическое место точек? 13. Тетраэдр – это многогранник. 14. Чему равен радиус этого круга? 15. Квант – это микрочастица. 16. Этот биологический вид размножается вегетативно. 17. Какой стимул вызывает данную реакцию? 18. Данное явление возникает в ряде случаев. 19. Мы обнаружили золотоносный пласт.

Exercise 3.Change the translated sentences of Exercise 2 into plural.

Exercise 4. Give all possible translations of the following terms.

1. absolute value 2. abstracting 3. acceleration 4. accent 5. access 6. accommodation 7. backend 8. background 9. backspace 10. baffle 11. batch 12. baton 13. bias 14. bit 15. bill 16. bin 17. boot 18. calibration 19. camera 20. canopy 21. capability 22. capacity 23. capture 24. carbon 25. card 26. cardinal 27. cause 28. cavity 29. cell 30. certainty 31. charge 32. chart 33. chip 34. damp 35. dash 36. decision 37. deduction 38. design 39. device 40. digit 41. gain

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to a varying meaning of a word in different context.

1. His house number is nine stroke two. Doing that we will reduce inflation at one stroke. Here we observe stroke of sawtooth voltage. She gave him a smart stroke on the cheek. Don’t spend too much time on the beach; you risk getting a heat stroke. At the stroke of two she was already at home. His policy is first stroke and only than strike.

2. A except B gate is used here. Lock guard gate is an additional means of flood control. Passengers for the next flight should go to gate 5. Shut up your gate at once. 3. The science, abridged of its former power, needed this transfusion of new ideas. Electric power system protection determines the level of security and reliability of the power plant. Here you should install an auxiliary power unit. Three to the second power is nine. The computational power of this machine exceeds that of the previous one. This aircraft will be powered with the hyper-sonic engine developed in our laboratory.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences. Note meaning of a word in different context.

1. a. The carpenter fixed the handle to the drawer. b. Fixing lessons is a very important part of learning. c. It is necessary to give more details to fix the idea. d. When arriving the first thing to be done is to fix your position. e. A flying control officer should always be able to otain fix. f. Nobody will take the money! The game is fixed. g. Edward and I are in rather a fix. h. Can you get a fix on the meaning of his presentation? i. It is an example of a problem with fixed boundaries. j. Here we have a fixed radix notation. k. Fix liabilities are stipulated by the contract.

2. a. The safety valve is opened automatically b. Thermionic valve transmitters got outdated. с. The central back-pressure valve is shown on the fig. 2. d. A gate-type slide valve is used here. е. Flat disk-and-seal valves manufactured at the plant are of a very high quality.

3. a. These tips will help you to survive the mean streets of the city on your bike. b. People of good will do not believe that the end justifies the means. c. .The storm will mean long air traffic delays. d. We meant the best and you know the rest. e. Now we will find the mean value.

Exercise 7. Translate the phrases into English. Pay attention to a varying meaning of a word or word combination in different context.

1. Все данные изменяются на малую величину Случайная величина, распределенная по закону хи-квадрат широко применяется в статистике. Эти величины прямо пропорциональны. На этом чертеже изображение дается в натуральную величину. Все показатели приводятся в порядке возрастания величины. Нарисуйте портрет в натуральную величину. Необходимо вывести среднюю величину

2. Результаты исследования необходимо представить в количественных показателях. На складе имеется достаточное количество товаров для обеспечения покупательского спроса. Большое количество товаров идет на экспорт. Количество осадков этим летом значительно выше среднего. Количество членов нашего профсоюза переходит за тысячу. По количеству романов он впереди всех авторов

3. Буквальное значение этого выражения отличается от переносного. Вся собранная информация имеет большое значение. Мы придаем особое значение этому пункту договора. Место встречи не имеет значения. Такая конструкция соответствует естественному значению слов. В этой части диаграммы мы наблюдаем резко отклоняющиеся значения.

Exercise 8. Translate the following terms

1. терминал абонента (информатика) 2. терминал ввода (информатика) 3. терминал ввода данных (информатика) 4. терминал газопровода (энергетика) 5. терминал нефтепровода (энергетика) 6. парниковый эффект (экология) 7. глобальное потепление 8. потолок объема производства (экономика) 9. потолок цен 10. потолочная сварка (техника) 11. потолочный трубопровод (энергетика) 12. годовое потребление (техника) 13. Товары широкого потребления (экономика) 14. потребление мощности (энергетика) 15 заявленная мощность (энергетика) 16. бензозаправочный автомат (энергетика) 17. бензозаправщик (бензовоз) (энергетика) 18. допустимый разброс (математика) 19. допустимый риск (математика) 20. допустимый план (экономика) 21. технико-экономическое обоснование 22. акт об испытании 23. акт передачи 24. акт приемки 25. актив и пассив (экономика) 26. итоговый результат 27. итоговый счет (экономика) 28. итоговый счетчик (информатика) 29. счетчик Гейгера (физ.) 30. счетчик голосов (экономика) 31. счетчик системы наведения (воен.) 32. счетчик тепла (энергетика)33. теплоцентраль (энергетика) 34. выброс газа (экология) 35. выброс промышленный (экология) 36. теория выбросов (математика) 37. загрязнение воды (экология) 38. загрязнение контактов (тех.) 39. поверхностный сток (экология) 40. сточные воды (экология).

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the tense in Russian.

1. The problem has been discussed for several years. 2. The problem has been discussed and the agreement achieved. 3. The unit will automatically provide the correct amount of fuel to start the engine. 4. The system will be working for 4 hours after being switched on. 5. We see that forces from one part of the body will be transmitted across the cross-section to the other part. 6. This will automatically generate code for both stub and skeleton. 7. In recent years there has been considerable interest in developing theory and methodology for the evaluation of taxonomic methods. 8. The study found that accurate results could be obtained. 9. It is an absolutely wonderful example of what is not working and will never work with respect to getting programs to duplicate human level capabilities. 10. After we find out what is going on we may be able to apply these principles somewhat differently in an artificial system. 11. We shall make all this precise in the section below where generalisations, historical comments and applications can be found. 12. Along with Jini for local network, this chapter has introduced some, but not all, of the components that Sun refers to as J2EE: the Java 2 Enterprise Edition. 13. Here we shall review the pattern use in developing a theory of intention. Cohen and Levesque identify that it must be satisfied by a reasonable theory of intention. 14. In future you may have a completely different computing model at home than you do now. 15. While Java has been one of the hottest new technologies to hit the Web it is still unfamiliar to many users. 16. As we see later, this explains the interest of these operations introduced in the fuzzy set concept. 17. The problem has been discussed by representatives of various sciences.

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences. Explain the use of continuous tenses and the way they are rendered in Russian.

1. The Extensible Mark up Language is having a profoundly unifying effect on diverse forms of information. 2. It might be possible to obtain a great deal of information that is presently lacking in this field. 3. At the time Revelle and Suess wrote these words, they were expressing the enthusiasm of the scientific community about the potential for learning exciting new lessons about the way the Earth functions. 4. It is sometimes necessary to stop the operation while the measurements are being made. 5. In the example pure material is being taken off at the top, while the higher component is just starting into the column. 6. Windows are becoming more and more popular among computer users. 7. The processor will be performing the operation for six hours. 8. Are people today looking at computers as gods that will solve their problems just as long ago people thought carved idols could solve their problems?

Exercise 11. Perfect tenses. Find their Russian correspondence.

1. Formalisms in agent theory have tended to be based on speech act theory. 2. Other problems that have yet really been addressed in the literature include the management of multiple intentions. 3. Once the update strategy has been selected, catching the data sent to the sever via HTTP POST method is straightforward. 4. Imagine a system that would look at a problem on a sheet of paper. That should bring to mind a similar case from the past, an image that has been remembered. 5. Researchers have been working on how to improve Web performance since early 90’s. 6. The basic greenhouse theory had been introduced almost before by the French mathematician Jean-Baptist Joseph Fourier. 7. In less than two centuries burning fossil fuels has added 220 pentagrams of carbon to the atmosphere. 8. However, as has already been pointed out, in carrying out an analysis of the level of geological noise, it is appropriate to assume a more complicated situation. 9. If the operation has been performed properly, the material will give a negative test for insaturation. 10. It may be desirable to have been established guidelines for documenting ontologies, possibly differing according to type and purpose of the ontology. 11. Before the computation is over the machine will have performed over 170 000 000 000 operations.

Exercise 12. Translate sentences with modal verbs

1. Assuming the agent’s sensory equipment would function normally, it would be rational of her (agent) to believe that she possessed this card. Now suppose she were to try to deduce what cards were held by her opponents. 2. They might not realize that they are missing something. 3. Such fluctuations might not only be caused by people’s working habit, or users geographical distribution, but be triggered by certain events as well. 4. Hence it may not be possible to separate them from one another. 5. We may, by rotation of the axes, transform them to coincide with the principle axes of the surface. 6. In this example one can neglect all terms in series given in the previous equation. 7. The spring should be visualized as representing the elastic or the elastic or energetic components of the response. 8. An ontology should be internally consistent. 9. When a definition can be specified in formal axioms, it should be. 10. If translation cannot be done fully automatically, the human efforts needed to assist the translation should be minimised. 12. However scientific understanding still has very far to go, as can be seen from the present situation. 13. We are to find these starting compounds to carry out the analysis. 14. The rate of gas flow does not have to be larger than that.

Exercise 12. Translate into English. Pay attention to English Tenses and modality of the sentences.

1. Появление современных материалов может значительно снизить зависимость развитых стран от стратегического сырья. 2. В последние годы сфера разработки онтологий перешла из лабораторий искусственного интеллекта к специалистам в определенной области знаний. 3. Если нам понадобиться создать общую парадигму, мы просто объединим несколько существующих теорий. 4. Задача, как выяснилось, является NP-сложной. 5. Произошло нечто подвергшее риску весь проект. 6. После просьбы внести изменения, у руководителя проекта появляется возможность влиять на клиента. 7. В работе использовались различные методы генерирования случайных чисел. 8. В литературе обычно выделяются три типа условий, предусмотренные в разрешении. 9. Для преодоления этих проблем была предложена третья система. 10. И все же британские физики сейчас заявляют, что им удалось разогнать фотоны до скорости, превышающей световую. 11. Прежде чем утверждать противоположное, приведем несколько примеров того, что мы относим, а что не относим к методам Монте-Карло. 12. Когда вы закончите чтение раздела 9, вы поймете, почему эти выводы небезосновательны.

Exercise 13. Translate sentences. Find a proper equivalent of Passive Voice in Russian.

1. Sentences are classified by structure and usage. 2. Regulators cannot be expected to be intimately familiar with corporate risk measurement and management practices. 3. If asymmetric algebraic formulae are used, the accuracy of representation is typically one order lower than the corresponding representation obtained with a symmetric algebraic formula. 4. If the materials atoms are arranged as a perfect crystal, it is possible to compute the electrostatic binding energy field in considerable detail. 5. These materials are not generally used as fibers alone. 7. The direction can be changed by clicking on the arrow. 8. If the data sets for every exercise are contained in more than one file, then each file will be named by the exercise number followed by a letter. 9. Demos need their own task list and schedule and must be included in the technical plan from the start. 10. Mathematical problems related to the traveling salesman problem were treated in the 1800s by the Irish mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton and by the British mathematician Thomas. A discussion of the early work of Hamilton and Kirkman can be found in Graph Theory. 11. Many ontologies are available in electronic form and can be imported into an ontology-development environment.

Exercise 14. Translate the text. Note that some of the articles have to be translated into Russian.

Will Oracle8 Be Universal?

Oracle's marketing for its launch of Oracle8 in June, 1997 focused on scalability improvements and the product's role in the Network Computing Architecture (NCA). Oracle8, however, also includes a range of significant object/relational functionality - about which Oracle was uncharacteristically quiet.

Oracle's View of O/R

Oracle has been promising users object/relational functionality since 1992. According to the company, the product's five-year evolution was driven by a compromise between market pull and the need to rewrite portions of the system in a sensible order.

Oracle6 included some low-level architectural rewrites for performance improvements (for SMP (Symmetrical Multiprocessing parallelism) and row-level locking, for example). Oracle7 included modifications - mainly to the top half of the server - that added functionality, such as stored procedures and two-phase commit. Oracle 7.3, released in the first quarter of 1996, was the first version that Oracle chose to call a "universal server" because of its support for better-integrated document search (the ConText Option) and spatial data types (the Spatial Data Option). Now, Oracle8 incorporates major architectural changes, not only for object/relational functionality, but also to improve backup and recovery and introduce new features for very large database (VLDB) scalability.

Oracle's overall strategy is an interesting mix of the conservative and the innovative. The company's pragmatic approach to object/relational technology is relatively conservative, yet NCA is one of the first really significant commitments to a CORBA-based distributed object technology from a major independent software vendor. Furthermore, Oracle's commitment to using Oracle8 as a repository for its own application-development tools enables better support for design applications than is offered by many competing object/relational databases.

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