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Unit IX. Crime and justice

Task 64. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

        1. to happen /hxpn/ - случаться, происходить

        2. to cut /kAt/ - стричь, подстригать

        3. grass /grRs/ - трава

b) Read the dialogue and complete the sentences with the proper form of the verb from the box; translate the dialogue.

to do to be to cut to happen

A: So, Mr. Jeffries, what exactly (1)_______________ yesterday?

B: There (2)___________ a robbery in my neighbourhood.

A: Where (3)___________ you at the time?

B: I (4)_____________ in my garden.

A: What (5)________ you ___________?

B: I (6)__________________ the grass.

    1. Listen to the recording and check yourselves.

    1. Make up similar dialogues; use the prompts below.

  • a burglary next door

in my bedroom


  • a robbery at the bank

outside the bank

talk to the security guard

Task 65. Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to rush in /"rAS'In/ - броситься, устремиться,


  1. to grab /grxb/ - схватить

  2. to drag /drxg/ - тащить, волочить

  3. strong room /'strPNrHm/ - комната-сейф (для хранения

ценностей в банке)

  1. to escape /Is'keIp/ - сбежать, скрыться

b) Listen to the recording and correct the wrong information.

Five masked men robbed the City Bank three days ago. When the doors were unlocked they rushed in. They tied the manager and dragged him into the back room. They opened the safe with his keys. Then they locked the manager in, and escaped with £50 000.

Task 66. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

  1. When did it happen?

  2. What time did it happen?

  3. Where was the director going?

  4. Where was he coming from?

  5. Did the attacker hit him?

  6. Where did the attacker hit him?

  7. What do the police think?

  8. What are they going to do?

  9. What would you do to solve the case?

Task 67. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to remember /rI'membq/ - помнить, вспоминать

  2. stocking /'stPkIN/ - чулок

  3. ambulance /'xmbjVlqns/ - машина скорой помощи

  4. to drop /drPp/ - уронить

b) Listen to the recording and complete the dialogue.

An Investigation

A policeman interviewed the Director at the hospital last night.

Policeman: Now, Mr. Snow … what can you remember (1)_________________ ?

Mr. Snow: Well, I was (2)____________________ yesterday evening …

Policeman: What time did you (3)________________________?

Mr. Snow: About quarter past nine.

Policeman: Are you sure?

Mr. Snow: Oh, yes … I (4)______________________.

Policeman: What did you do then?

Mr. Snow: Well, I (5)___________________ … and I was walking to my car, when somebody hit me on the head.

Policeman: Did you see the attacker?

Mr. Snow: No, he was wearing a stocking over his head.

Policeman: Tell me, Mr. Snow … how did you (6)_________________?

Mr. Snow: Well, when they were putting me into the ambulance, they (7)_____________________.

Task 68. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. hungry /'hANgri/ - голодный

  2. cheese /CJz/ - сыр

  3. champagne /"Sxm'peIn/ - шампанское

  4. to be thirsty /'TE:sti/ - хотеть пить

  5. bottle /bPtl/ - бутылка

  6. to fall asleep /"fLl q'slJp/ - заснуть

b) Listen to the recording and correct the information.

  1. The burglary was committed in Rome.

  2. The burglar stole some jewelry.

  3. In the kitchen he found some fish in the fridge and ate it.

  4. He drank a bottle of champagne and fell asleep in the kitchen.

  5. He woke up at noon and left the house safely.

c) Listen to the recording again and complete the questions about the story.

  1. When _________________________________ into the house? – On 1 June, 1992.

  2. How many pictures ______________________________? – Two.

  3. What ____________see _______________________? – Some cheese.

  4. How ______________ bottles ________________________? – Two.

  5. Why _______________________upstairs? – Because he wanted a rest.

  6. When ___________________________ up? – The next morning.

  7. How many ________________________________________? – Four.

Task 69. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. suddenly /'sAdnli/ - внезапно, вдруг

  2. immediately /I'mJdIqtli/ - немедленно, тотчас же

  3. to explain /Ik'spleIn/ - объяснить

  4. to turn off /"tE:n'Pf/ - выключить

  5. to frighten /'fraItn/ - испугать

b) Listen to the recording and say what frightened the man.

c) Listen to the recording again and put the adverbs in the order you hear them on the tape.

quickly carefully really

quietly slowly

suddenly immediately

d) Answer the questions.

  1. What time did he wake up?

  2. What did he hear?

  3. Where did he go?

  4. Was the living room dark?

  5. What did he hear?

  6. Why was he frightened?

  7. What did he do?

  8. How did the police get into the living room?

  9. Did the police arrest the burglars? Why?

  10. What did they do for the man?

Task 70. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to be on one’s trial /'traIql/ - быть под судом

  2. to shoot /SHt/ - стрелять

  3. bow /bqV/ - лук

  4. arrow /'xrqV/ - стрела

b) Listen to the recording and fill in the missing words.

Mrs. Custard was on trial for (1)_________________________. The trial took a long time and there were many problems, but finally she (2)________________________. The judge asked her “I can understand from what I’ve heard (3)______________________________. But why did you shoot him with a bow and arrow?” “I didn’t want (4)___________________________, explained Mrs. Custard.

Task 71. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. passenger /'pxsInGq/ - пассажир

  2. to occur /q'kE:/ - случаться, происходить

  3. to approach /q'prqVC/ - приближаться

  4. stomach /'stAmqk/ - живот

  5. wallet /'wPlIt/ - бумажник

  6. knife /naIf/ - нож

b) Listen to the recording and correct the information.

  1. The train was moving to Manchester.

  2. The injured man, Paul Lewis, was sitting near the window when the attack occured.

  3. He was reading the magazine when three men approached him.

  4. One asked him the time, another stole his watch; the third man hit him on the head.

  5. One of the robbers had a knife.

  6. There weren’t any passengers on the train.

  7. Nobody could give the police a full description of the men.

c) Listen to the recording again and give the correct variant of the story.

Task 72. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. masterpiece /'mRstqpJs/ - шедевр

  2. priceless /'praIslqs/ - бесценный

  3. to pay attention /q'tenSn/ - обратить внимание

  4. to tie /taI/ - связать

  5. to manage /'mxnIG/ - суметь, ухитриться

  6. to set off /"set'Pf/ - привести в действие

  7. electricity supply /I"lek'trIsIti sq'plaI/ - электропитание

b) Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

  1. When did the theft happen?

  2. What did the thieves steel from the home of Lord Bonniford?

  3. When was this masterpiece by Holbein painted?

  4. How valuable is the painting?

  5. Did Lord Bonniford hear anything in the middle of the night?

  6. Why couldn’t Mr. Charles Potts, the security guard, phone the police?

  7. Why wasn’t the security alarm set off?

c) Listen to the recording again and retell the story.

Task 73. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. shotgun /'SPtgAn/ - дробовик (ружье)

  2. customer /'kAstqmq/ - клиент

  3. cashier /kx'SIq/ - кассир

  4. sack /sxk/ - мешок

  5. surgeon /'sE:Gqn/ - хирург

  6. enquiry /In'kwaIqri/ - расследование

b) Listen to the recording and fill in the missing words.

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