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Interviewing a Celebrity

P: – Our special guest in the studio today is our local singer, Annie Franklyn. Welcome to the show, Annie!

A: – Thanks. It’s great to be here.

P: – Well, Annie, (1)_____________ your job?

A: - Yes, I like it a lot. The only bad thing is that I don’t see my family and friends very often. I am very busy.

P: – Well, tell us about a typical day in your life. (2)___________ do you get up?

A: – I usually get up at noon because I go to bed very late every night. I have lunch at about two.

P: – What (3) _____________ then?

A: - I go to the club to practise for about two hours, then I go home or sometimes I go shopping. I go back to the club again at about eight o’clock in the evening.

P: - (4)_____________ the show start?

A: - At ten o’clock, and we don’t usually finish until two o’clock in the morning.

P: - (5) _______________ then?

A: -I go back home, read for a while, then go to bed.

P: - Annie, I know you don’t have much free time, but (6) ___________ doing in your free time?

A: - I love going to the cinema or having dinner with friends. I don’t really like going to parties, though.

P: - One last question. (7) ____________ satisfied with your life?

A: - Oh, yes. I love singing and I enjoy my free time.

P: - Annie Franklyn, thank you for joining us.

c) Listen to the interview and check your answers.

d) Speak on Annie’s daily routine.

Task 23. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to relax /rI'lxks/ - расслабляться

  2. to cook /kVk/ - приготовлять пищу

  3. meal /mJl/ - еда

  4. to chat /Cxt/ - непринуждённо болтать

  5. theatre /'TIqtq/ - театр

  6. favourite /'feIvret/ - любимая (вещь)

b) Read the text and fill the gaps with the proper forms of the verbs from the box. Some verbs may be used more than once.

love relax stay cook have like

chat eat go live come leave

visit bring listen go out get up

On Fridays I (1)_________ home from the BBC at about 2.00 in the afternoon and I just (2)__________.

On Friday evenings I don’t (3)_________, but sometimes a friend (4)__________ for dinner. He or she (5)_________ the wine and I (6)________ the meal. I (7)________ cooking! We (8)________ to music or we just (9)__________.

On Saturday mornings I (10)________ at 9.00 and I (11)__________ shopping. Then in the evenings I sometimes (12)_________ to the theatre or the opera with a friend. I (13)_________ opera! Then we (14)___________ in my favourite Chinese restaurant.

On Sunday… Oh, on Sunday mornings I (15)_________ in bed late, I don’t (16)__________ until 11.00! Sometimes in the afternoon I (17)__________ my sister. She (18)_________ in the country and (19)__________ two children. I (20)________ playing with my niece and nephew, but I (21)_________ early because I (22)________ to bed at 8.00 on Sunday evenings.

c) Listen to the recording and check yourself.

Task 24. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. an owl /aVl/ - сова

  2. previous /'prJviqs/ - предыдущий

  3. a day off /'deIPf/ - выходной день

  4. to go climbing /'klaImIng/ - ходить в горы,

заниматься альпинизмом

  1. dangerous /'deInGqrqs/ - опасный

  2. a gym /GIm/ - гимнастический зал

  3. rarely /'reqli/ - редко

  4. weather /'weDq/ - погода

  5. a beach /bJC/ - пляж

  6. to sound /saVnd/ - звучать, создавать впечатление

b) Listen to the dialogue “An Early Bird or a Night Owl” and make sentences as in the example:

Example: On Sundays Laura never goes climbing.













go climbing

wash the car

go to the gym


go on a picnic

go dancing

c) Talk about yourself.

What do you never/rarely/sometimes/often/usually/always do on Sundays? Choose phrases from the list below. You can add your own ideas.

Do the washing up; go jogging;

go to the cinema; go shopping;

eat out; watch TV;

go fishing; visit museums;

go climbing; go dancing;

meet friends; get ready for the next day classes;

do sports; read books;

go on a picnic; do the housework;

work off demerits; have marching drills; etc.

Task 25. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. once /wAns/ - один раз

  2. twice /twaIs/ - дважды

  3. occasionally /q'keIZnqli/ - изредка, время от времени

  4. ballet /'bxleI/ - балет

b) Listen to Desmond Philton interviewing Mr. Norris, and choose the answers to the questions.

  1. What time does he usually arrive home?

    1. before six o’clock

    2. at six o’clock

    3. after six o’clock

  2. What does he usually do after dinner?

    1. watches television

    2. reads

    3. visits friends

  3. How often does he


once or twice

a week

three or four

times a week


a) go out?

b) watch TV?

c) visit friends?

  1. Does he ever go to





a) the cinema?

b) the theatre?

c) the ballet?

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