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Unit IV. Houses and flats

Task 26. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. mirror /'mIrq/ - зеркало

  2. fire /'faIq/ - камин

  3. to be on /"bJ'Pn/ - быть включенным

b) Listen to the description of the room and fill the gaps with the missing words.

There are four (1)__________ on the walls and a mirror. There are three people in the room, a man, a woman, and (2)________ . There’s a lovely fire and the cat is in front of the fire, (3)_________ . There is (4)_________ near the window, and a clock (5)__________ near the mirror. There is a photo on the television and there are some (6)_________ on the floor near the television. There is a glass of beer (7)___________ in front of the man. The television (8)_______ on.

Task 27. Listen to the description of the room and answer the questions.

  1. How many people are there in the room?

  2. Who is sitting on the sofa?

  3. Where are the pictures?

  4. What is on the left of the fire?

  5. What is there on the table?

  6. Is there a television in the room?

Task 28. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. advertisement /qd'vE:tIsmqnt/ - объявление, реклама

  2. cost /kPst/ - стоимость

  3. expensive /Ik'spensIv/ - дорогой

  4. upstairs /"Ap'steqz/ - (расположенный) в верхнем этаже

  5. downstairs /"daVn'steqz/ - (расположенный) в нижнем этаже

  6. spacious /'speISqs/ - просторный

  7. chalet /'SxleI/ - шале, сельский домик

  1. Karen and Tom want to rent a house or a flat. Read the advertisements, then listen to the recording and choose the correct word in bold.



For rent £800/month

6, Sandon Street

Lovely house five miles from city center


4 bedrooms, (1) two/three bathrooms (bath, shower, toilet)


(2) spacious/small living room, kitchen, dining room, study,

(3) bedroom/bathroom

* large (4) garden/swimming pool, double garage.


For rent £300/month

8, Chamberlain Street

Attractive (5) flat/chalet near city centre

*(6) two/three bedrooms, large bathroom (bath, shower, toilet), modern kitchen, comfortable living room (7) dining room/study, small garden, (8) garage/swimming pool.

  1. Now, using the advertisements, describe the two places. Start like this:

This lovely house is five miles from the city center. It is very expensive, but it is very large. Upstairs, there are …

Task 29. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. a farmhouse /'fRmhaVs/ - жилой дом на ферме

  2. thick /TIk/ - толстый

  3. a wall /wLl/ - стена

  4. to grow /grqV/ - расти, выращивать

  5. vegetables /'veGtqblz/ - овощи

  6. an animal /'xnIml/ - животное

  7. exactly /Ig'zxktli/ - точно

  8. to land /lxnd/ - приземляться

  9. next door /"nekst'dL/ - рядом, по соседству

  10. Dublin /'dAblIn/ - Дублин

  11. Athens /'xTInz/ - Афины

  12. Provence /prq'vRns/ - Прованс

  13. Texas /'teksqs/ - Техас

b) Listen to five people talking about where they live. Fill in the chart.



Dave and Maggie


House or flat?

Old or new?


Number of bedrooms?


Live(s) with?

c) Use the chart to speak on where these people live. Start like this:

Ann-Marie lives in an old house in Provence. There are three bedrooms in the house, two are big and one is small. She has a garden …

Task 30. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to let /let/ - сдавать внаём

  2. to include /In'klHd/ - включать

  3. obviously /'PbvIqsli/ - очевидно, явно

  4. to share /Seq/ - делить(ся)

  5. extra /'ekstrq/ - что-то дополнительное

  6. a deposit /dI'pPzIt/ - задаток, залог

  7. in advance /qd'vRns/ - заранее, вперед

  8. fair /feq/ - благоприятный, неплохой

  9. to keep to rules /rHlz/ - придерживаться правил

  10. a guest /gest/ - гость

  11. separate /'seprIt/ - отдельный

  12. a tube station /'tjHb"steISn/ - станция метро

b) Angela is a university student. She saw this advertisement for a room to let and decided to phone to ask for more information. Listen to her conversation with the landlord and say what information she found out.

Room to Let

  • Family House

  • Convenient for public transport

  • Would suit student

  • Reasonable rent

  • Phone 678 5423 any time

These are the things she wanted to ask the landlord about:

    • Rent ________

    • Bathroom and kitchen______________________________________


    • Single or shared room______________________________________

    • House rules, visitors, hours__________________________________



    • How far to public transport__________________________________

Task 31. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. location /lqV'keISn/ - место расположения

  2. to matter /'mxtq/ - иметь значение

  3. ceiling /'sJlIN/ - потолок

  4. cheap /CJp/ - дешевый

  5. tiny /'taIni/ - крошечный

  6. to knock down /"nPk'daVn/ - сломать, снести

  7. cosy /'kqVzi/ - уютный

  8. a lounge /laVnG/ - гостиная

  9. converted loft /kqn'vE:tId 'lPft/- перестроенный чердак

  10. a lane /leIn/ - переулок

  11. to fix /fIks/ - чинить, ремонтировать

  12. a roof /rHf/ - крыша

  13. to leak /lJk/ - течь, протекать

  14. a courtyard /'kLtjRd/ - внутренний двор

  15. mature /mq'tjVq/ - зрелый, взрослый

b) You will hear a dialogue between a married couple, Linda and Jeremy, who are talking about a house that they are thinking of buying. They don’t always agree. What is Linda’s general impression of the house? What is Jeremy’s?

c) Listen to the recording again and fill in the chart.

Linda’s opinion

Jeremy’s opinion





d) Describe the house they are talking about. Give facts, not their opinions.

Task 32. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

1. to accept /qk'sept/ - принимать, признавать

2. to consider /kqn'sIdq/ - полагать, считать

3. in a terrible state /'terIbl/ - в ужасном состоянии

4. complete /kqm'plJt/ - полный, законченный

5. decoration /"dekq'reISn/ - наружная и внутренняя отделка

6. to mean /mJn/ - значить, иметь значение

7. to bother /'bPDq/ - беспокоить, надоедать

8. fireplace /'faIqpleIs/ - камин

9. to move around /"mHv q'raVnd/ - переезжать с места на место

10. century /'senCqri/ - век, столетие

b) Listen to five people talking about what the word “home” means to them; match the statements and the speakers.

  1. My home is the place where I Speaker 1

can do what I like, where I

can completely relax.

2) My home is the place where Speaker 2

my family and friends live, that’s

where I go back.

3) My home is the place where I Speaker 3

feel safe and comfortable.

4) My home is the old family house, Speaker 4

the place where my parents live,

where I can take my friends to.

5) My home is the house which I Speaker 5

redecorated myself and

which I love dearly.

c) Listen to the recording again and answer the questions.

1. Which speaker has never lived in one house for a very long time?

  1. Which speaker talks about two different homes?

  2. Which speaker bought his house two years ago?

  3. Which speaker talks about the old country house where he/she was born?

  4. Which speaker lives next to his workplace?

Task 33. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to shower /'SaVq/ - поливать, обливать

  2. to refuse /rI'fjHz/ - отказываться

  3. to demolish /dI'mPlIS/ - разрушать, сносить

  4. to offer /'Pfq/ - предлагать

  5. to provide /prq'vaId/ - предоставлять

  6. county council /"kaVnti'kaVnsl/- совет графства (орган местного


b) Listen to the recording “Battle of Trafalgar Street” and say whether the statements are true or false.

1. Last night the police and County Council officials had a talk with Mrs. Florence Hamilton.

2. Mrs. Florence Hamilton is an 83-year-old widow.

3. Mrs. Hamilton would like to move to a new flat.

4. The houses in the area have been demolished.

5. The Council are planning to build four 20-storey blocks of flats in the area.

6. All the residents refused to move to new flats nearby.

7. Mrs. Hamilton’s dogs attacked a social worker who wanted to speak to her.

c) Listen to the recording again and say what problem the police and County Council officials faced in Trafalgar Street.

Task 34. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. peacefully /'pJsfqli/ - мирно

  2. to prosecute /'prPsIkjHt/ - преследовать в судебном порядке

  3. stubborn /'stAbqn/ - упрямый

  4. sub-standard/"sAb'stxndqd/ - ниже качества, установленного


  1. accommodation /q"kPmq'deISn/- помещение, жильё

  2. a site /saIt/ - участок (для строительства)

  3. to delay /dI'leI/ - задерживать, препятствовать

  4. to promise /'prPmIs/ - обещать

  5. a stranger /'streInGq/ - чужой, посторонний

b) Listen to Radio Report 1 and complete the sentences.

This is Pennine Radio News, Alan Nelson reporting from Trafalgar Street. Mr. Hardy, the Tadworth Housing Officer, has agreed to speak to us.

Alan: Now, Mr. Hardy has the situation changed (1)__________________.

Hardy: No, it hasn’t. Mrs. Hamilton is still there, and she is still refusing (2)__________________ .

Alan: Well, what are you going to do?

Hardy: It’s a very (3)_____________________. We’d like her to come out peacefully. The police don’t intend (4)__________________. But she is a very stubborn lady!

Alan: Stubborn? Yes, well, it’s her home.

Hardy: I agree, and it’s been her home (5)_________________. But nobody else refused to move. You see, a lot of people in this area are living in sub-standard accommodation and we are going to build over (6)_____________________. Families are expecting to move into them (7)_______________! It’s all being delayed because of one person!

Alan: But Mrs. Hamilton was born (8)__________________.

Hardy: Of course, of course. But we have promised to give her a modern flat immediately, a very nice flat which is ideal for an elderly person (9)________________.

Alan: So, what happened next?

Hardy: I don’t know. I really don’t. But we can’t wait forever. The police will have (10)_________________. It won’t be easy. She’s got two very big dogs, and they don’t like strangers!

Task 35. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to manage /'mxnIG/ - суметь сделать что-то

  2. to arrange /q'reInG/ - устраивать, договариваться

  3. to demand /dI'mRnd/ - потребовать

  4. to threaten /Tretn/ - угрожать

  5. to cut off /"kAt'Pf/ - отрезать, выключить

  6. a high-rise block /"haIraIz'blPk/- высотное (многоэтажное) здание

b) Listen to the recording of Radio Report 2 and choose the right variant.

  1. Mrs. Hamilton decided to speak to …

    1. the police officer;

    2. the County Council official;

    3. the reporter.

  2. Mrs. Hamilton is living in the house …

a) with her dogs;

b) with her children;

c) with her dogs and her children.

  1. The Council have threatened to cut off …

    1. gas and electricity;

    2. water and electricity;

    3. water and gas.

  2. Mrs. Hamilton wanted …

    1. to move to her children;

    2. another house where she could keep her dogs;

    3. a flat in a high-rise block of flats.

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