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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Choose the right word or word combination.

  1. The queen’s Ministers form the Executive … of Britain.

  1. Cabinet b) Government c) Parliament

  1. The Cabinet is restricted to about … members.

  1. twenty b) thirty c) ten

  1. The prime Minister is the Head of ….

  1. the House of Commons b) The Government c) Parliament

  1. All the Ministers owe their appointment to …

  1. the Prime Minister b) the Queen c) the Government

  1. The Prime Minister can advise the Queen to dissolve…

  1. the government b) the Cabinet c) Parliament

  1. The ministers of State are…

  1. the Departmental Ministers b) Deputy Ministers c) the Junior Ministers.

II. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

MP, seat, traditions, wool, symbol, stuffed, space, members, Lords.

There are many _______ associated with both chamber of the Houses of the Parliament. The Woolsack, for instance, is a sort of stool stuffed with ________, originally placed in Parliament in Edward III’s reign as the ________ of the basis of England’s property at that time. Nowadays, it is the __________ of the Lord Chancellor, as Speaker of the House of _________ and is significantly _________ with a blend of wool from the colonies and dominions.

There is a place between the two sides of the Houses. In the House of Commons this ______ is approximately the width of two drawn swords. Formerly, the MPs, when very heated, sometimes drew swords and a fight began. Therefore, a ruler was imposed prohibiting _______ to cross the space. Today any _________ who puts a foot forward is called to order immediately by the Speaker and he has to apologize to the House.

III. Choose the synonyms from the box.

To declare, terror, all-round, suspect, to arrive, fame, blame, to found, merciless

To come – sin -

Horror – to proclaim -

Glory – suspicious -

Diverse – ruthless -

To set up -

IV. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

MP’s, debate, seat, Opposition, chamber, Bar, speech, back, benches, sides.

Seating arrangements in the House of Commons have existed for hundreds of years and reflect the nature of the party system. At the end is the _________ of the Speaker, and at the other end a formal barrier, known as the “___________”. Benches for the members run the length of the chamber, on both __________ . Benches to the right of the speaker are used by the Government and its supporters; those to the left are occupied by the sit on the front benches (and are therefore called “front-benches’). Younger and less experienced MPs sit on the ___________ (and are known as “back-benchers”). When the Prime Minister or any other leading politician makes a ________, they stand at the table in the centre, below the Speaker’s Chair. There are red lines running along each side of the ____________. By tradition, they must not be crossed, to either side attacking the other during a __________.

Scan the text and answer the questions.