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Six Proficiency Skills.doc
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Mother Teresa

Choose the best answer to the following questions, according to the information on the tape.

1. Helen describes Mother Teresa as «good for a variety of reasons». Which of the following does she not give? Mother Teresa

A. uses the media in a skilful way.

B. overcomes obstacles.

C. does what she thinks is right.

D. is brave.

2. According to Helen, Mother Teresa has become a mythical figure

A. and does everything she can to perpetuate this image.

B. through media attention.

C. and has altered her behaviour as a result.

D. but would prefer to have remained a private person.

3. The media has a useful role to play for Mother Teresa because

A. Mother Teresa's reputation is enhanced.

B. it informs the world of Mother Teresa's latest activities.

C. Mother Teresa is paid by TV companies who film her.

D. It brings publicity and consequently financial aid.

4. Helen considered that the encounter with the sick child was

A. an intrusion into a private moment.

B. specially staged for TV.

C. not significant.

D. an example of Mother Teresa's special quality.

Talking Points

A. Why do people want to collect relics of the famous?

What is your view about the prices paid for memorabilia?

Charlie Chaplin's boots were sold for £38,500 and his bowler hat and

cane for £82,500 at an auction.

B. Read through the following quotations.

Which particularly appeal to you, and why?

Can you think of any people to whom any of these quotations apply?

1. «Successful crimes alone are justified». (John Dry den)

2. «It is not enough to succeed: others must fail». (Gore Vidal)

3. «Some are born great; some achieve greatness; some have greatness thrust upon them». (William Shakespeare)

4. «Ail great men make mistakes». (Winston Churchill)

5. «If you become a star, you don't change; everybody else does». (Kirk Douglas)

6. «The secret of success is sincerity; once you can fake that you've got it made». (Arthur Вloch)

7. «Is it possible to succeed without any act of be tray alb> (Jean Renoir)

8. «A celebrity is someone who is known for being famous». (Studs Terkel)

9. «In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes». (Andy Warhol)

10. «Those who tell you it's tough at the top have never been at the bottom». (John Harvey)

11. «The banalities of a great man pass for wit». (A. Chase)

12. «Skill is fine and genius is splendid, but the right contacts are more valuable than either». (Sir Archibald Mclndoe)

С. Read the text and answer the questions that follow. Hounding of the Princess

Scotland Yard chiefs were to review security surrounding the Royal Family amid growing concern about the 'persecution' of the Princess of Wales.

Buckingham Palace was increasingly alarmed at the activities of money grabbing photographers with motor bikes and two-way radios who were accused of making the Princess's life a misery.

The concern was highlighted by an incident reported in newspa­pers, which claimed that Diana broke down in tears when she was photographed leaving a private dinner engagement.

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