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In accordance with the new national criminal legislation all criminal cases pass through the stage of preliminary or pre-trial investigation before they are heard in court.

The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, Ministry of the Interior, Security Service of Ukraine, and Tax Police have their own inves­tigation departments. Their competence is briefly as follows:

2) investigators from the Prosecutor's Office have the right to investigate any case but actually they carry out inquiries into the gravest crimes, such as murder, embezzlement on a large scale, rape, banditry, malfeasance, crimes committed by workers of law-enfor­cement bodies;

3) investigators from the Ministry of the Interior have the right to institute proceedings against persons who have committed any crime, e.g. burglary, theft, swindling, disorderly conduct, economic crimes, juvenile delinquency, etc. But in cases of gravest crimes they only perform urgent actions and then transfer the case to the inves­tigators of the Prosecutor's Office;

4) investigators from the Security Service of Ukraine conduct pre­trial investigation in crimes committed against the national security of the state, e.g. treason, espionage, smuggling, drug trafficking, organized crime, acts of terrorism, and also crimes against peace, security of mankind and international law and order;

5) investigators from the Tax Police investigate crimes related to evasion of taxes, illegal use of foreign currency accounts abroad, money laundering etc.

The new criminal legislation also envisages definite peculiarities of investigating a number of crimes against justice.

The investigator's job is to detect crimes, to disclose and expose persons guilty of them. Every person who commits a crime shall suffer a just punishment.

While fulfilling his duties the investigator has the right to detain a person suspected of a crime, make a requisite search and inspection, question citi­zens and officials as witnesses of a crime, order an expert examination, etc.

The investigator's job is to prepare the materials of the case for court hearing.

Pretrial investigation is called upon to facilitate the objective and comprehensive administration of justice.

Words and word-combinations

criminal case – кримінальна справа

investigation – слідство, розслідування

pretrial investigation – досудове розслідування

Tax Police – податкова міліція

inquiry – розслідування, дізнання

to commit a crime – вчинити злочин

to detect a crime – розкрити злочин

grave crime – тяжкий злочин

criminal – злочинець; злочинний, кримінальний

murder – вбивство

embezzlement – привласнення майна; розтрата

rаре – зґвалтування

malfeasance – посадовий злочин

to institute proceedings (against) – порушувати справу (проти)

burglary – крадіжка зі зломом

theft (larceny) – крадіжка

swindling – шахрайство

disorderly conduct – дрібне хуліганство, порушення

juvenile delinquency – злочинність неповнолітніх

treason – державна зрада

smuggling – контрабанда

drug trafficking – торгівля наркотиками

organized crime – організована злочинність

evasion of taxes – ухилення від сплати податків

illegal use of foreign currency accounts abroad – незаконне вико­ристання валютних рахунків за кордоном

money laundering – відмивання грошей

to suffer a punishment – зазнати покарання

to detain – затримувати

to make a requisite search and inspection – проводити необхідний обшук та огляд

to facilitate the administration of justice – сприяти відправленню правосуддяa

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