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Unit 5.doc
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Review the Functions

a) Act as a guide and give some advice or instructions to your visiting friend who has never been to a big city.

Model: You should get over your fear of a heavy traffic. You should keep to the right side of the road. You should remember the rules of crossing the street. You should be careful step ping on the escalator. You shouldn’t smoke inside a bus or a trolley-bus.

b) Act as a doctor. Give some advice to your patient.

c) Act as a teacher. Give some corrections to your pupil.

d) Act as a directing manager of a firm. Give some instructions how to organize the work in it.

e) Act as a supervisor on university practice. Give some instructions to your students.

Lesson 2

Topic for Communication: Medical services

Grammar Focus:

Language Use: Asking about health. Answering about health

Part a reading and speaking

Ex. 1. Ask for advice in case you need some medical assistance.

Model: – Sorry to trouble you, but I have some problems with my stomach. What can I do?

– Take a pill of… . If you are not better, consult the doctor..

have temperature

catch cold

twist my ankle

have a heart attack

it hurts me to move

my eyes itch

my ear aches

my tooth aches

have a high blood pressure

be allergic to …

feel sick

suffer from

Solution to the problem:

take some pain killer/antibiotics

apply this spray

stay in bed for a couple of days

take hot lemonade

rub this ointment

Ex. 3. Read and decide which response should follow the patient’s question.

  1. I have a sore throat and my tonsils are inflamed. Do you think it could be flu?

  1. I've been suffering from insomnia lately. Do you think I might be heading for a nervous breakdown?

  2. My friend is in bed with a heavy cold and headache. How can I help her?

  3. I've twisted my ankle. The pain is very sharp. Is it possible that I have broken or sprained my leg?

  4. Sally is very pale and anaemic but she has no complaints. What would you advice her?

  1. My child has a rash in his chest. Do you think it could be a skin disease?

  1. I’m short of breath. Is there any way I could be suffering from asthma?

  1. Not necessary. But I'll prescribe some sleeping pills – to help you get a good night's rest.

  2. Well, sounds a bit like it. I'll make you out a prescription for some antibiotics and sprays.

  3. You'll have to go to hospital for an X-ray. Now keep it in bandage for a time.

  4. It's just possible. I'll strap it up anyway and put it in a sling. That should reduce your discomfort a lot.

  5. Give her half an aspirin. Some painkillers will also ease the pain. If she is not better consult a doctor.

  6. She must follow the diet, take more exercise in the fresh air. Apart from that I'll give her some vitamin pills.

  7. I should think so. Some menthol inhalations might also speed up the recovery. Make a test of your heart as well.

Ex. 4. Practise the following dialogues.

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