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Listening and writing Part b

Vocabulary File

The following words are essential for understanding the text and discussing its content. Learn their meaning and pronunciation.

Words and word combination


ache, v

treat, v

cure, v

recover, v

health, n

in good/bad/poor ~

~ care

~ centre

healthy, adj

fever, n

ambulance, n

call for the doctor

complain, v (to smb about smth)

consciousness, n

lose ~

regain ~

desease, n

illness, n

injection, n

have an ~

pill, n

fall ill/be taken ill

medicine, n

to take/prescribe ~

suffer from

surgery, n

pain, n, v

hurt, v

remedy, n

therapy, n

have a sore throat/headacke/temperature

test blood pressure

examine the pulse

pull/take out a tooth

write a prescription

do X-ray

For your personal vocabulary

Reinforcing Vocabulary

heal up

bring on

catch cold

come down with

do good

fill up to

get over

give up

wear off

pass out

Ex. 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of synonyms.

To ache, to pain, to hurt

1. My head/ear aches. My heart aches for her. I'm all aches and pains. 2. Does your foot pain you? He felt a pain in his back. I've got a pain in my stomach. Her words caused me great pain. 3. I hurt my leg. It hurts me to cough. He fell over and hurt himself. Is he seriously hurt?

To treat, to cure, to recover

1. The doctors treated the patients attentively. They treated her for cancer. She was treated with penicillin. 2. His cough is completely cured. It's difficult to cure the patient. The disease is incurable. 3. You'll recover from your illness soon if you follow the doctor's advice. He recovered his health after having a long rest in the Crimea.

Ex. 2. Supply the missing word.

  1. One can – drugs.

  2. One can – a prescription.

  3. One can – a headache.

  4. One can – an injection.

  5. One can – one's hand.

  6. One can – feverish/sick.

  1. One can – of poor health.

  2. One can – ill.

  3. One can – from the illness.

  4. One can – some infection.

  5. One can – the ambulance.

  6. One can – a doctor.

take, have, feel, write, cut, be, fall, injure, prescribe, recover, send for, pick up, call

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences.

  1. One can feel

  2. One can have

  3. One can be

  4. One can prescribe

  5. One can fall

  6. One can take

    1. pain, headache, temperature;

    2. sick, feverish, dizzy, vomited;

    3. of poor health, hurt;

    4. ill, over;

    5. medicine, drugs, pills, drops;

    6. temperature, blood pressure, blood-count.

Ex. 4. Transform the sentences as in the model. (grammar)

Model: I want to have my temperature taken.

I want you to take my temperature.

  1. I want to have my pulse felt.

  2. I want to have my tooth filled.

  3. I want to have my tooth pulled out.

  4. I want to have my blood-count taken.

  5. I want to have my lungs X-rayed.

  6. I want to have a prescription made out.

  7. I want to have the medicine prescribed.

Ex. 5. Match the name of the doctor with the area in which he specializes.

  1. Pediatrician

  2. Gynecologist

  3. Ophthalmologist

  4. Urologist

  5. Dentist

  6. Veterinarian

  7. Anesthesiologist

  1. General practitioner (GP)

  2. Internist

  3. Orthopedic

  4. Plastic surgeon

  5. Neurologist

    1. A doctor who treats problems related to the nerves.

    2. A doctor who cares for teeth.

    3. A doctor who treats children only.

    4. A doctor who eye problems.

    5. A doctor who treats animals only.

    6. A doctor who treats urinary-tract problems.

    7. A doctor who treats the entire family and who doesn’t specialize in only on area

    8. A doctor who specializes in internal medicine.

    9. A doctor who performs cosmetic surgery.

    10. A doctor who treats women’s problems.

    11. A doctor who puts patient to sleep prior to surgery.

    12. A doctor who treats bone problems.

Ex. 6. Read the following derivates and state the part of speech they belong to.

ill – illness

allergy – allergic

treat – treatment

comfort – discomfort, comfortable, uncomfortably

injure – injury, inject

poison – poisonous, poisoning

strong – strength, strengthen, strongly

surgery – surgeon, surgical, surgically

Ex. 7. Match the following phrasal words with their definitions.

give up

wear off

get over

full up to

come down with

bring on

stop being effective (for a drug, etc.)

feel well enough to do smth

stop doing smth you do regularly

start to suffer from a minor illness

recover from (an illness)

cause (an illness)

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