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  1. Choose among the words the one that corresponds to the text above to complete the sentences:

1. The UK is situated off the coast of continental Europe (north-western / south- western /

north-eastern). 2. The temperature reaches extremes of hot and cold (seldom / often J

usually). 3. The strategic of the was a very important factor in the early development of

Britain (weapon / question / position). 4. Now it is a developed industrial country (hardly /

highly / low). 5. 7% of the population is engaged in (mining / farming / industry). 6. The

Head of the state is (the president / parliament / the monarch). 7. appoints all the

ministers, including the Prime Minister (The Queen / House of Lords / House of Commons). 8.

London's population includes a very range of people (similar / diverse / simple). 9. The

City of London is the centre of the world (educational / banking / agro-cultural).

  1. Translate the sentences into English:

1. На климат Британии сильно влияет теплое течение Гольфстрима. 2. Смешение языков стало языком большей части Англии. 3. Все выполняется по рекомендации выбранного правительства. 4. Парламент принимает законы, обсуждает главные вопросы дня. 5. Лондонский валютный рынок самый большой в мире. 6. Рынки Уэст-Энда известны в мире всеми видами товаров.

  1. Give a short summery of the text "Great Britain".

  2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

to do some shopping; grocery store; purchase; ATM (Automated Teller Machine); department store; to take out money with a credit card; to exchange rubles into dollars; dollar bills; rate; to lend; to borrow from somebody; post-office; clothes store; stuff.

30. Decide which of the following statements are true and which are false. Correct the false ones.

1. Lena is going to the supermarket.

  1. Sergey asks Lena to buy him only cigarettes.

  2. Sergey says that Russian cigarettes are better than American cigarettes.

  3. Olga agrees to do some shopping with Lena.

  4. Olga and Lena want to buy some clothes.

  5. Lena has enough money to buy everything she wants.

  6. Dmitry always saves money for a rainy day.

Unit VII

1. Read, pronounce the following words and word combinations correctly:

third, jam, Japan, jump, jug, give, agent, philosophy, judge, phase, England, blank, spacing, sphere, here, pure, cure, floor, more, company, among, ton, glove, chance, past, answer, cast; obtain, again, detail, prevail, delay, maintain, afraid, explain, repair, prepare, compare; while - quite, win - queen, quad - quarter, halt - tall, stall - install, base - bad - bar - bath, tall -talk - fault - draw, small - stalk - launch;

good quality, what quantity, quite quick, warm liquid, wide world, hard task, vast wall, past call, long period, by means of, rain waters, erosion of the soil, particle emission.

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