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15. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is the Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya so important for the Be­larusians and their history? 2. When was the Cross created? 3. Who was the author of the Cross? 4. What was its size and shape? 5. How was it decorated? 6. What icons did it have on the front side? 7. What icons did it have on the back side? 8. What sacred things did it contain in the square housings in the middle? 9. Why was an inscription engraved on the lateral plates of the Cross? 10. Who captured the Cross in the 13th century? 11. When was it moved back to Polotsk? 12. How did the Cross appear in Mogilev? 13. Where is the Cross at the moment? 14. When was the Cross reconstructed? 15. What is the name of the modern artist who reconstructed the Cross?

16. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. The Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya is a religious symbol and a great historical value for the Belarusians. 2. It was created in the 13 th century. 3. The Cross had 4 ends originally. 4. Its height was about 52 centimetres. 5. TheCross was richly decorated witfrjewels, pearls and golden plates. 6. It was a yery expensive thing for those times even for princes. 7. On the back side of the Cross there were square housings, but it is unknown what they were used for. 8. We don't know how much it cost to make such a cross. 9. Some time later after Evfrosiniya's death the Cross was transported to Smolensk. 10. It changed several places but in 1841 it appeared in Polotsk again. 11. In Soviet times the Cross was kept in Mogilev. 12. When the Cross disappeared, it was decided to reconstruct the sanctuary. 13.Theworktook20years. 14. The Cross was reconstructed by Nikolay Petrovich Kuzmich. 15. Now the Cross is kept in Polotsk.

17. Put the right prepositions where necessary:

1 .A lot can be said... the Cross..: St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya. 2. The Cross was made ... llel ... a jeweler from Polotsk, Lazarus Bggsha, ... request of Evfrosiniya. 3. ... the center. ... the lower crossing there are four evangelists. 4. A number ... sacred relics were delivered to Polotsk ... a special expedition, which was sent... Byzantium by St. Evfrosiniya. 5. The reverend customer gave her blessing to engrave an inscription ... the lateral plates ... the Cross. 6. There was nothing equal ... the Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya. 7. ... the 13* century the princes of Smolensk, who captured Polotsk, conveyed the Cross ... Smolensk. 8. ... 1841, after a long stay ... Moscow and St. Petersburg the Cross was delivered ... Polotsk. 9. ... 1997 the reconstructed Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya was consecrated ... St. Simon's cathedral of Brest.

18. Choose a word from the box to put into each gap:

1. The Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya can be called a unique ... of the ancient Belarusian art. 2. It was covered with 21 golden plates. 3. In the heel of the Cross there are heavenly ... of the customer and her parents. 4. The ... ofthis exclusive Christian relic is also unique. 5. An ... on the lateral side of the Cross told by whose diligence, for what church the Cross was made and how much it cost. 6. A Belarusian jeweler and enameller, a member of the Belarusian Union of artists, Nikolay Petrovich Kuzmich was given ... to reconstruct the sanctuary, 7. In 1997 me reconstructed Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya was ... in St. Simon's cathedral of Brest.

a commission, consecrated, patrons, masterpiece, destiny, inscription

19. Fill in the table:


13th century





20. Work in groups. Find out from your partner:

— what they know about the description of the Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya;

— what they know about the history of its creation;

— what they know about its destiny

21. Prove that:

— the importance of the Cross of St. Evfrosijtiiya Polotskaya cannot be over­estimated for me Belarusian culture;

— all hardships on its way were successfully overcome

22. Comment on:

— the decoration of the Cross;

— the personality of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya

23. Imagine that:

—You are to tell your foreign friend about history of your country. He wants to get to know about the Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

—You are to prepare p. report on Christian sanctuaries, especially those from Eastern Europe. You go to the library to get some information. The librarian re­commends you to write about the Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

— You have a younger brother who already goes to school. But he doesn't know anything about the Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya yet. He reads a book on Belarusian history and encounters this name there. He asks you about the Cross of St. Evfrosiniya Polotskaya. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

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