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5. Read these phrasal verbs and expressions several times till you re­member them:

to strengthen with — укрепить чём-л.;

to appear in — оказаться в;

to locate in — находиться, быть расположенным;

to consider as — считаться;

to immortalize in — увековечить;

to burn down — сгореть;

to blow up — взорваться;

to find out — находить;

to take by — брать чём-л.;

to consist of—состоять из

6. Match-the English words with their Russian equivalents:

1. aesthetic value

2. attention

3. feature

4. moat

5. townspeople

6. massive

7. temple

8. unexpectedly

9. angular

10. event

а. крепость


с. эстетическая ценность

d. неожиданно

е. угловой

f. событие

g. внимание

h. черта

i. горожане

j. массивный

7. Combine the words with the help of the preposition of:

1. relics and treasures

2. the warehouse

3. two-storied building

4. full copy

5. draw attention

6. new type

7. additional zone

8. siege

9. gates made

10. in the east boundary

a. ammunition

b. Polotsk

c. people

d. metal

e. the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

f. the town

g. Jewish sehool

h. defense

i. Polotsk Sofia

j. church buildings

8. Give the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives:

Ancient, new, big, usual, rich, .magnificent, small, enigmatic.

9. Give the three forms of the following verbs:

To blow, to draw, to see, to construct, to burn, to exist, to locate, to store, fo; keep, to begin, to give.

10. Give the plural of:

Style, type, century, boundary, key, assembly, library, fire, church, base, army,; warehouse, studying, zone, enemy.

11. Write the derivatives of the following words:

Character, begin, style, construct, shop, expect, bound.

12. These words can be used both as verbs and nouns. Make up your own" sentences to show the difference in their usage:

Help, refuge, rich, study, base, copy, defense, storm, plan, value.

13. Read these expressions and find their English equivalents in the text:

Укрепленные с помощью угловых башен; во время осады; убежище; для богатых горожан; великолепная библиотека; старинные рукописи; увековечить городской печатью; склад боеприпасов; церковь восстановил снова; неожиданно взорвалась; церковнославянский язык; массивное двухэтажное здание; первоначальная функция; уникальный памятник историческое наследие.

14. Read the text and get ready to speak about The Sophia Cathedral:

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