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15. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the city of Braslav begin to refer to Braslav Lithuanian? 2. Does

this small town have a very ancient and full of events history? 3. Where is a historical museum of Braslav situated? 4. What is this building famous for? 5. What does the complex of manuscripts which is placed here tell us about? 6. Is it possible to see a model of an ancient fortress there? 7. What kinds of articles are represented in the museum? 8. What was Stanislaw Narbut? 9. What did people construct after his death? 10. What is standing near the Zamkovaja Mountain? H. Which styles are used in building of these two churches? 12. What kind of buildings can we see in Braslav among the ancient ones? 13. What is carried out in Braslav every year? 14. How does the well look like? 15. Which parts of the old church are used in the construction of the Catholic Church now? 16. Under whose projects is the communal grave created? 17. What function did the lantern at the top of the obelisk carry? 18. What can you tell about the Braslav's doctor?

16. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. In the beginning of 10* century the city of Braslav one of the second j in the Polotsk ground was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and began to ] refer to Braslav Lithuanian. 2. To get acquainted with the history of Braslav's territory and the city itself is possible in an architectural museum. 3. The complex of manuscripts which is placed here tells us about life, culture, occupation, language of Braslav's population. 4. Among them — the hero of the war of 1812 MA. Kutuzov, famous Belarusian and Lithuanian painter P.A. Sergeev, doctor S.T Narbut. 5. According to some notes and historical data, the lantern worked as 5 a beacon some years ago, helping to find the way in a fog to fishermen on the Lake i Drivjaty. 6. The Catholic Church is built of simple big stones and red bricks, and it has features of the pseudo-Russian style. 7. The stone Christian Church is a monu­ment of the pseudo-Gothic architectural style: 8. But also we can see here a lot of stone buildings with the elements of the modernist style. 9. A wooden tent above the well — high roof topped with a simple spike stands on seven columns and draws the attention of people. 10. The monument is created under the pro­jects of me well-known Belarusian sculptor, the national artist of Belarus S.I. Seli-khanov—one of the authors of the memorial "Khatyn". 11. A festival of amateur national creativity "Braslav's lightnings" is known and very popular far outside the territory of Braslav and it is carried out twice a year.

17. Put in the right prepositions where necessary:

l. This small in its size construction differs.... beautiful smooth contours,; reasonableness of the design. 2. Country houses and grounds are included ... complex of buildings which are constructed in traditions of national; architecture. 3. The greatest art value is represented ... its interior wi|h icons of 17th—18 th centuries. 4. It was carried ... as follows: intervals between the big boulders were covered ... a special solution and lay with small stones in various patterns. 5. Articles made ... flax, samples of weaving; carver's work on a tree, pictures and things made ... straw, potters work get acquainted us... traditions and customs of national creativity of Braslav's region. 6. This small town has a very ancient and full ...events history, it is known not only ... it's huge quantity of picturesque lakes and magnificence of views and places, but Braslav is also rich ... its architectural beauty.

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