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INFINITIVЕ книжечка.doc
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1.5 Test yourself

  1. Insert 'to’ where necessary before the infinitives in brackets:

  1. There’s little else you could do but (keep) your fingers crossed.

  2. Our house is not easy (find).

  3. You’d better (have) your hair cut.

  4. I saw him (act) in ‘Hamlet’ and I liked him immensely.

  5. Why not (save) a little money if we can.

  6. How dare you (come) here after all you have done?

  7. Do you happen (remember) the number of the flat?

  8. You should go and have fun rather than (sit) here crying.

  9. There used (be) a small house there.

  10. Never let him (talk) with you like that.

  11. I couldn’t but (reject) your offer.

  12. They have no garden (play) in.

  13. This hat will make you (look) old-fashioned.

  14. I’ll have (get) up earlier not (miss) the train.

  1. Fill in the correct form of the Infinitive:

  1. Mrs. Dashkova is reported (write) a new novel now.

  2. He was said (wait) for his visa for two months, not less.

  3. I don’t expect him (leave) for Germany for food.

  4. She didn’t seem (interest) in gardening.

  5. Why didn’t you make her (drink) some hot milk?

  6. The children appeared (take) good care of.

  7. She was made (leave) the job.

  8. I am glad (do) all the homework yesterday.

  9. Honesty is the first principle (observe) when working with us.

  10. The girl pretended (read) the book and not (notice) me.

  11. All he wanted was (read) and not (forget) by the public.

  12. Who told the nurse (give) the sick man this medicine?

  13. He seems (sit) here since morning.

  1. Paraphrase the sentences so as to use the Infinitive:

  1. She explained everything. It was not difficult.

  2. It is unlikely that the meeting will be postponed.

  3. I never smoke indoors. My wife doesn't like it.

  4. She has saved enough money. She can go on holiday.

  5. Can you entrust the work to anyone?

  1. Define the function of the Infinitive:

  1. She had a baby to look after.

  2. The girl learned to dance at school.

  3. A manager’s duty is to put the plan into action.

  4. We were to have arrived earlier, but we were delayed on the road.

  5. They used to have long conversations in the evenings.

  1. Translate the sentences into English using infinitives and infinitive constructions:

1. Давай не будем никому рассказывать о том, что произошло.

2. Почему бы не поговорить с деканом?

3. Казалось, что они уже встречались до этого.

    1. Неплохо бы поехать за город завтра.

    2. Слишком она молода, чтобы принимать ее всерьез.

    3. С твоей стороны было глупо задать этот вопрос.

    4. Ему трудно угодить.

    5. Он совсем не знал, как начать письмо.

    6. Он первый протянул нам руку.

    7. Возможно, он не придет сегодня.

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