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  1. Present Simple Tense.

The Present Simple Tense is formed from the infinitive without the particle to. In the 3rd person singular the ending s is added. In the interrogative (вопросительный) and negative sentences the auxiliary (вспомогательный) verb do (does) is added.

The verb ‘to be’ forms the Present Simple in the interrogative and negative sentences without the auxiliary ‘do’.

According to the general rule the 3rd person singular is formed with the help of the ending –s (works, drives, plays, runs).

-s is changed to 1) –es for verbs which end in –o (does, goes) and in –s, -x, -ch/sh (misses, mixes, catches, pushes), 2) –ies for verbs which end in –y with a preceding consonant (study – studies, fly – flies). But if the letter –y is preceded by a vowel, only –s is added (stay – stays, play – plays).

Main Uses

The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense is used to denote:

  1. Habitual or repeated actions.

  • Regular activities and events typically with adverbials (наречие) frequency (частота, частотность) such as always , usually, generally, occasionally, frequently, sometimes, often, every day, hardly ever, seldom, rarely, monthly, etc.

They always go out on Sundays.

As a rule, she has three meals a day.

It doesn’t often snow in winter here.

We never come late from work.

  • Permanent (постоянные, неизменные) characteristics and properties (состояние), hobbies, habits (привычка) and customs; attitudes (отношение) and feelings.

As a hobby Ken designs and makes paper airlines.

British people drink a lot of tea.

Cycling doesn’t appeal to me at all.

  • Universal truth and generalizations (обобщение) (e.g. in proverbs – пословица, поговорка, and sayings, rules and common statements).

Summer follows spring.

Extremes meet.

  • Time-table, itineraries (курс, маршрут), working hours.

The shop opens at 9 a.m.

Classes last till 3 p.m.

  1. Immediate’ present actions or states:

  • Feelings, opinions with the so-called stative verbs such as like, know, see, agree, hear, believe, think, be, taste, understand, want, wish, prefer, own, realize, cost, depend, belong, etc.

  • Stage directions, sports commentaries, instructions, declarations, demonstrations.

Now I peel the apples, slice them and put into the bowl. (a recipe)

They shake hands and he bids her good-night. (a stage remark)

  1. Past activities:

  • In summaries (сводка) of historical events.

In May 1979 Margaret Thatcher becomes the first woman Prime Minister in the history of Great Britain.

  • Plots (сюжет) of films, plays, books, etc.

  • Informal story-telling (jokes, anecdotes).

  • Headlines.

People SAY No To Terrorism.

  1. Future activities:

  • In subordinate (придаточный) clauses of time and condition (условие) after the conjunctions (связь, соединение) when , after, before, as soon as, until, if, in case, unless, etc.

I’ll phone you as soon as I come back home.

  • In schedules, time-tables, plans.

  • In suggestions, offers, invitations.

  1. Present Continues Tense.

The Present Continues (Progressive) Tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary be and Participle I (-ing) of the main verb.

Main Uses

The Present Continues (Progressive) Tense is used to denote:

  1. Actions in progress:

  • Happening at the present moment, i.e. at the time of speaking, this is either shown by an adverbial (at the moment, now, at present, just now, right now, etc.) or made clear by the situation.

We are working with Brian at the moment.