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15. Talk about the problems that Marriage Guidance Council deals with.

A Marriage Guidance Council is an organization which allows people to talk with a third person about their problems. There is one in most British towns. The Council deals with different problems but I think most of them appear because two people who have been living together for a long time are simply too tired.

They have rows all the time because wife feels that her husband is inconsiderate to her. He doesn’t tell her to expect his friends in and doesn’t worry about the fact that she’s had a long and difficult day. Moreover, she considers him untidy and lazy because he never does anything in the house and throws his clothes on the floor. She doesn’t want to be his servant but gets her own career while he wants her to stay at home and take care of him.

Earning her own money embarrasses him and he doesn’t approve of her worrying about children too much. He wants to give them more independence and not to wrap children in cotton-wool as she does.

He also has his ownidea of helping her about the house and he thinks that doing homework with children is enough.

Such complaints are usual. But the Council is not to pass judgement or to give an opinion but to listen.

And I think after expressing their problems it help the couple to find the solution of their problem.

17.Talk about the requirements to an ideal house.

I think that people’s criteria and requirements to their ideal house depend on their characters and their lifestyle.

Some people would like to live in the country but they can’t really afford it. They are satisfied with a nice little flat in the city even if there is a main road in front of the house because they are travelling during the rush hour when the road is really noisy. There is central heating which is quite important in an ideal house.Two or three rooms are quite enough for them if they don’t have children. They don’t mind a very small bath room with a fitted shower.The flat should be not far from the centre.

Besides such things as parks, swimming pools, restaurants and shops are available in the city.

Others prefer to live in a very quiet place, but it’s rather expensive actually.

An ideal detached house consists of about six bedrooms, huge cold rooms, it has two bathrooms, a very big living room with a fireplace, all kinds of other little rooms where you can keep different things, a garage and a garden in the back of the house.

But there are some disadvantages. There isn’t any central heating and there are no shops and the bus is usually infrequent so you need a car. Besides you have to spend a lot of time and money fixing the house up.

That is why everyone should choose a house to live in depending on his abilities and money.

18.Talk about the house rules for those who lodge in Britain.

One of the first things that lodgers have to know are the house rules what they can do and can’t do.

Those who let a room in Britain usually ask for a month’s rent which they keep as a deposit and, of course, they like the lodgers to pay the rent a month in advance.

From my own experience I can say that it works in Belarus too, but as for me, I wasn’t asked for any deposit when I rented a room. It’s natural that if you let a room you want your lodger not to make a mess or loud sounds which can bother you.

So I think in both countries pets, noisy parties and spoiling the furniture and wallpaper are not allowed.

But every person who lives in digs wants to feel home so he can put a few posters up using blu-tac, not sellotape, make tea or coffee in the kitchen being careful with the furniture and ask some friends in but not very late in the evening.

I guess every landlady likes her lodger to keep his room tidy and to make his bed just in case she has to bring anyone in for any reason. And if the price is reasonable such rules will suit everyone.