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1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words from the story.

Eiderdown, wax, rogue, tingling, breathe, bosom, to crow, rotunda, expert, soldier, ermine, toque, wonder, audience, queer, frail, quiver, smooth, resolute, accompaniment, couple, heroine, yacht, honey, tiny.

2. Comprehension Check.

  1. How old was the main character of the story? What was her profession? How do you know that?

  2. Did she have a family of her own?

  3. How did she usually spend her Sunday afternoons?

  4. What did she enjoy most of all?

  5. What did she indulge herself with on her way home?

  6. How did the Sunday described in the story differ from all the others?

  7. What was crying when she put the lid on the box?

3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the story.

1.futile; useless.

to decide on smth

2.being familiar with smth so that it no longer seems new or strange to you.

to look forward to

3.back and forth.

to be no good doing

4.showing signs of wear and tear; threadbare or worn-out

to be patient

5.tolerant; understanding

to and fro

6.to be or make sure you do smth because it is important or necessary

to be dressed up

7.to think of (a future event) with pleasurable, eager anticipation


8.easily startled; timid.

to get used to smth/smb

9.causing you to have deep feelings of sadness or sympathy

to make a point of doing smth

10.to wear special clothes to look smarter than usual


11.to choose something from a number of possibilities


4. Choose the right word from the above exercise for each of the sentences below.

  1. We are still trying to …………… a venue.

  2. It was a …………… moment for Marianne.

  3. Don’t be …………… - come and say hello.

  4. I’m …………… to graduation.

  5. It's …………… arguing with them .

  6. He was endlessly kind and …………… with children.

  7. I …………… of closing all the windows before leaving the house.

  8. The boat was rocking gently …………… In the water.

  9. You are all …………… Are you going somewhere?

  10. It’s high time we got rid of this …………… furniture!

  11. That is how we do things here. You’ll soon …………… it.

5. Find the English equivalents to the following words or phrases and use them in the sentences of your own.

Из ниоткуда; маленький проказник; народу гуляло много; круглый год; ему все равно; только двое сидели рядом с ней; они не прослужат долго; букетик цветов; карапуз; как молодая наседка; взялись под руку и пошли; соломенная шляпка; пожилая пара; как ей все это нравилось; представление; даже у нее была своя роль; они были влюблены; нелепая старая развалина; это имело большое значение; крошечный подарок.

6. Put in the missing prepositions.

  1. What’s on … the theatre this week?

  2. I’ve never read anything … Dickens.

  3. Let’s take our time and go … boat.

  4. My sister decided to go to America … several reasons.

  5. Try to see it … my point of view.

  6. … my opinion, she should have resigned earlier.

  7. … the end, I got a visa for Russia.

  8. I think the play is a bit weak … the end.

  9. Please, fill in the form … ink.

  10. She looks much younger … this photo.

  11. I like walking …the rain.

7. Find in the story the sentences with the words or expressions given below, translate them into Russian and ask your classmates to translate them back into English.

The air was motionless; dear little thing; never mind; this was disappointing;

she had become really quite expert; to be patient; still as statues; there was something funny about…; to be delighted; no doubt; no wonder; to climb the stairs.

8. Express he same idea using different wording and grammar.

  1. ‘She had become really quite expert… at listening as though she didn’t listen.’

  2. ‘And she’d gone on the whole time about how she ought to wear spectacles.’

  3. ‘Miss Brill wanted to shake her.’

  4. ‘…rushed scolding to its rescue.’

  5. ‘… they laughed and paired.’

  6. ‘It was her Sunday treat.’

9. Differentiate between the following verbs from the story. Use some of them in sentences of your own.

To parade; to run; to rush; to come by; to go off; to pass; to hurry by; to come along; to run after; to walk on; to patter away; to march away; to hobble along; to walk abreast; to trot on.

10. Write out all expressions used to describe:

  1. the band;

  2. an Englishman and his wife;

  3. old people walking in the park;

  4. youngsters;

11. Expand on the following.

  1. The day was ‘so brilliantly fine.’

  2. ‘Miss Brill put up her hand and touched her fur.’

  3. ‘And now an ermine toque and a gentleman in grey met just in front of her.’

  4. ‘It was like a play. It was exactly like a play.’

  5. ‘And what they played was warm, sunny…’

12. Comment on the following words of the author.

‘She unclasped the necklet quickly; quickly, without looking, laid it inside. But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying.’

13. Choose a passage and prepare it for model reading. Give reasons for your choice. Translate the passage into Russian.

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