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1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words from the story.

Suit, waltz, weird, neighbour, tuberose, wrap, ceiling, owl, azalea, , owl, ache,chaperone,vaguely, parquet, calico, toque, wand, echo, cough, mournful, solemn, pinafore, haughtily.

2. Comprehension Check

  1. What did you learn about Leila’s background?

  2. How did she feel about her first ball?

  3. Were all the young people invited to the ball excited?

  4. In what way did the men’s and the ladies’ conduct differ?

  5. Who were Leila’s partners?

  6. What was there in the fat man’s words that spoiled Leila’s mood?

  7. Who improved the situation?

  8. Was the young girl happy in fact?

3. Match the following definitions in the left column with the words in the right column. Find sentences with these words in the story.

1. to like smth or like to do smth, to be willing to do smth


2.not happy or smiling; looking very serious

to de indifferent

3.to go somewhere suddenly and / or quickly

a keepsake

4.unusual, not normal, strange


5.a small object that smb gives you so that you will remember them

to make a dash for smth

6. making you feel embarrassed

after all

7. having or showing no interest in smb or smth

to make up one’s mind

8. a feeling of being emotionally aroused; stirred.

to be under one’s wing

9. in spite of what has been said or expected


10. to decide smth


11. to take care of and help smb who has less experience of smth than you

to care for smth

4. Choose the right word from the above exercise for each of the sentences below.

  1. Would you …………… another drink?

  2. There was an …………….. moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners.

  3. His face grew ………….. .

  4. Have you ………………… where to go for your honeymoon?

  5. So you made it ……………. ?

  6. He jumped off the bus and …………….. the nearest bar.

  7. The news caused great …………….. among her friends.

  8. The government cannot afford to ………. to public opinion.

  9. She brought some teaspoons as a keepsake of our trip to Italy.

  10. It’s really ……….. seeing yourself on television.

5. Find the English equivalents to the following words or phrases and use them in the sentences of your own.

Трудно сказать; не имело значения; незнакомый молодой человек; она пыталась казаться равнодушной; как замечательно иметь брата; единственный ребенок; не отставай; раздеться; темноволосые и светловолосые девушки; оркестр настроил свои инструменты; невозможно пережить одной; божественно; веснушчатый парень; пожалуйста, не беспокойтесь; очень скользко; все только начиналось; щеки ее пылали; откуда вы знаете?; вот для чего нужна старость; смеяться ей не хотелось; вы не должны воспринимать меня всерьез; из вежливости.

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