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6. Consult your dictionary and give all possible derivatives from the following words.

to fasten

to differ

a fool


to know

to breathe

to please

a danger


to forget

to appear

to compare

a success


to mourn

7. Put in the missing prepositions.

  1. He took … his spectacles and rubbed frantically … the lens.

  2. I had a hat …

  3. He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled ruefully … me.

  4. He glanced … his watch.

  5. Instead … of going to work thinking that it will be totally boring, try to be positive.

  6. They never argued … … … their children.

  7. The moon disappeared … a cloud.

  8. She was very sorry … the trouble she caused.

  9. I am very sorry … the family.

  10. Where did she buy it ……?

  11. What’ wrong … Ratchel today?

9. Find in the story the sentences with the words or expressions given below, translate them into Russian and ask your fellow students to translate them back into English.

Every single thing; she couldn’t have helped crying; they pressed their way; it seem to give him so much trouble; enjoying yourself; she was quite grown up; he looked shabby; you mustn’t take me seriously; out of politeness; bumped her into.

10. Match one of the following adjectives to each description.













  1. If you are ………….. to someone who is in a bad situation, you are kind to them and show that you understand their feelings.

  2. If you are ……… you feel a need to drink something.

  3. If a person is …………. he feels extremely frightened.

  4. Something that is ………….. is unexpected or unusual.

  5. If you are …… you feel unhappy, usually because something has happened that you do not like.

  6. If something is ………….. it makes you feel very happy or enthusiastic.

  7. Something that is ………..causes happiness and pleasure.

  8. If someone is ………….. , they feel embarrassed or guilty because of something they do or they have done, or because of their appearance.

  9. A …… person is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of other people.

  10. If someone’s behavior or action is ……., it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgment.

  11. If people are ……….., they are unhappy and have no hope.

  12. Something that is …………… is very exciting and enjoyable.

11. Pick out from the story the words and expressions the author uses to create a thrilling atmosphere of the ball.

12. Expand on the following.

  1. ‘Oh dear, how hard it was to be indifferent like the others!’

  2. ‘She ( Leila) quite forgot to be shy.’

  3. ‘Leila had learned to dance at boarding school.’

  4. ‘Leila did not feel like laughing.’

  5. ‘… a young man with curly hair bowed before her.’

13. Comment on the following words of the author.

  1. ‘ …she had never known what the night was like before… And now it would never be like that again – it had opened dazzling bright.’

  2. ‘When she looked though the dark windows at the stars they had ling beams like wings…’

14. Respond to the following.

  1. ‘Oh, how quickly things changed! Why didn’t happiness last for ever? For ever wasn’t a bit too long.’ (Leila’s thought).

  2. ‘So different are the colours of life, as we look forward to the future, or backward to the past; and so different the opinions and sentiments which this contrariety of appearance naturally produces, that the conversation of the old and young ends generally with contempt or pity on either side.’

Samuel Johnson (1709–84), English author, lexicographer.

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