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The Sentence Structure

Explain students the word order of English sentence:

Subject – verb – object – place – time (SVOPT) and do the exercises at the lesson to be sure they understand this grammar material.

Then they may do revision test.

Revision test

  • Put the words in the right order.

  1. (a newspaper / reads / every day / Jill) Jill reads a newspaper every day

  2. (football / don’t like / very much / I) I don’t like football very much.

  3. (London / do you know / very well?) Do you know London very well?

  4. (I / very well / French / don’t speak) I don’t speak French very well.

  5. (I / this picture / don’t like / very much) I don’t like this picture very much.

  6. (she / smokes / every day / ten cigarettes) She smokes ten cigarettes every day.

  7. (you / the same clothes / wear / every day) You wear the same clothes every day.

  8. (I / want to speak / fluently / English) I want to speak English fluently.

  9. (lost/I/my watch/last week).I lost my watch last week.

  10. (Tom/the letter/ slowly/read).Tom reads letter slowly.

  • Put the words in the right order.

  1. (to work/every morning/walks /George) George walks to work every morning

  2. (goes / every year / to Italy / Jill) Jill goes to Italy every year.

  3. (in London / Alice / in 1951 / was born) Alice was born in London in1951.

  4. (in October / Barbara / to university / is going) Barbara is going to university in October.

  5. (to work/ tomorrow/are you going?) Are you going to work tomorrow?

  6. (next week/they/to London/are going) They are going to London next week.

  7. (many times/my parents/have been/ to the United States) My parents have been to the United States many times.

  8. (a beautiful bird/this morning/I/in the garden) I saw a beautiful bird in the garden this morning.

  9. (my umbrella/last night/ I think I left (in the restaurant) I think I left my umbrella in the restaurant last night.

  10. (at the party/we/early/arrived) We arrived at the party early.

  11. (they/since 1984/here/have lived) They have lived here since 1984.

  12. (will you be/this evening/at home?) Will you be at home this evening?

  13. (to the cinema/last night/did you go?) Did you go to the cinema last night?

  14. (on Monday/here/will they be?) Will they be here on Monday?

Raymond Murphy, Grammar in Use

Section II countries and cities (traditions, customs and holidays in Russia and English speaking countries)

prepared by

Elena Teleshova

e-mail: teleshova_elena@mail.ru

Lesson I

The lesson plan

  1. Introduction to the theme (3 min)

  2. Pre-reading discussion (10 min)

  3. Active vocabulary (10-15 min)

  4. Reading text (15-20 min)

  5. Reading comprehension (13-18 min)

  6. Speaking practice (17-22 min)

  7. Homework (1 min)


As an introduction to the lesson “My country” for students a teacher may say that there are a lot of countries in the world but there is no country like your Motherland. Moreover it is impossible to know the language without knowing the country where it is spread.

Pre-reading discussion

Ask students to comment on the following proverbs:

East or west home is best.

There is no place like home.


Ask students to find Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations and to pronounce them correctly:

transcontinental adj. crossing the continents трансконтинентальный, пересекающий континент

area n. geographical region of indefinite boundary область, район, местность

mineral and energy resources natural resources in the form of minerals: natural resources producing energy (gas, oil etc.) полезные ископаемые и энергетические ресурсы

border n. a line determining the limits of an area граница

population n. the people who inhabit a territory or state население

vary v. become different различаться

steppes n. huge plain without trees степи

plains n. flat open land равнины

forests n. land that is covered with trees леса

tundra n. vast plain without trees in the arctic regions тундра

taiga n. thick forests in the northern regions тайга

mild adj. soft мягкий

heat n. high temperature жаркий период года

unbearable adj. impossible to bear, to stand невыносимы

moderate adj. not extreme умеренный

continental adj. typical to Europe континентальный


Ask students to read the text I “Russia” paying attention to pronunciation of the discussed words and word combinations.


I. Ask students to find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.

mineral and energy resources (полезные ископаемые и энергетические ресурсы), ninth-largest (девятый по величине), shares land borders (граничить), the breakup of the Soviet Union (развал Советского Союза), successor state (государство-преемник), devoted to (быть посвященным чему-то), churches and cathedrals (церкви и соборы)

II. Ask students to correct the statements if they find them wrong. Use such phrase as: I agree with you. You are right. or I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. That’s not true/right.

  1. TRUE

  2. FALSE (It is the largest country in the world.)

  3. FALSE (The area of Russia is over 17000000 square kilometers.)

  4. FALSE (Russia has the world's ninth-largest population.)

  5. FALSE (Because of its size, Russia's climate is also varied.)

III. Ask students to answer the following questions using the text.

  1. Russia is situated both in Asia and Europe.

  2. Yes, it is. Russia is rich in mineral and energy resources.

  3. Yes, it is .Russia is the Soviet Union's successor state.

  4. Russia share borders with 17 countries.

  5. There are steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midlands, tundra and taiga in the north.

  6. Because of its size, Russia's climate is also varied.

  7. Russian is the official language of the country

  8. Moscow is the capital of Russia, it is Russia’s largest city (. And an important economic and business center.

  9. The population of Moscow is 8.3 million people.

  10. No, Moscow is not only an economic and business center, its cultural tradition is rich, and there are many museums, churches and cathedrals.

Speaking practice

Ask students to discuss the topic “Russia” with their partners using newly learnt words and introduce their final work to the class. Ask them to discuss the territory of Russia; the climate of Russia; the capital of Russia, using newly learnt words.


Ask students to study new vocabulary.

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