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Uncle Philip

Tom's Uncle Philip was a scientist and an inventor. He carried out his research in the field of chemistry. He'd been interested in chemistry since his childhood. He made a lot of discoveries and even received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. But he was a strange man, he lived alone, had no wife or friends. Once when he was quite old and seriously ill he sent for his nephew. Here it must be explained that this was the first time Tom and his uncle met. Many years earlier Philip had had a big quarrel with his sister, Tom's mother, and since then he had steadily refused to see them.

When Tom came to see him, Uncle Philip was lying ill in bed. "I am a rich man," he said, "and I'm determined to leave all my fortune to you. You will find it in an iron box in the bank. But before you open the box you must read the letter which is on top of it.” Soon his uncle died. After Uncle Philip's death Tom went to the bank. Before he started to open the box, he read the letter. Here is what it said:

"Dear Tom,

This box contains a great fortune. I am leaving it to you because I want you always to remember your dear uncle. The box also contains powerful dynamite which will explode as soon as you open it. If you do not believe me, open it and you will be blown into atoms.

Do not forget your uncle."

From that time on Tom could think of nothing but the box and the fortune. He asked everyone for advice. But nobody could think of a safe enough plan.

T. Polyakova, E. Sinyavskaya, English for Engineers, Moscow,2002

Listening comprehension


  1. Tom's Uncle Philip was a scientist and an inventor

  2. He made a lot of discoveries and even received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. But he was a strange man, he lived alone, had no wife or friends.

  3. He sent for his nephew.

  4. He said that he was a rich man and decided to leave him all his fortune in an iron box in a bank.

  5. But before opening the box Tom had to read a letter.

  6. It was written that the box contained a great fortune. It also contained powerful dynamite, which would explode after opening the box.

  7. Why did uncle Philip decide to act in this way?

  8. Can you think of any plan for opening the box?

These two last questions are asked not only just to answer the questions, as the previous five, but let involve students into discussion, express their opinion in group. The previous questions were given as the preliminary step for the following discussion. We recommend to remind students to start to speak with useful expressions, given before Sometimes they forget about it:

In my opininion as for me I’m not really sure, but

if I’m not mistaken to my mind it seems to me that

I don’t know exactly, but I think that from my point of view

as far as I understand I suppose I believe that

II. Retell the story.

III. You are Tom. Tell us what you know about your uncle and his decision to leave his fortune to you.

IV. Give students some time to think and encourage them to speak/.

Speaking practice

On/offline activity

Work in groups

All groups are given the same websites but different tasks. Encourage them to make an interesting report after finding the information. This task may be given for homework.

The information about the foundation of the Nobel Prize Fund:

On November 27, 1895, at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Nobel signed his last will and testament and set aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of nationality. He died of a stroke on December 10, 1896 at Sanremo, Italy. He left 31 million kronor (4,223,500 USD1896~103,931,888 USD2007) to fund the prizes/.

The facts about the first Nobel Prize Winners (the name of the winners, the nationality, the year, and the fields of their activity):

(Röntgen (1901) • Lorentz / Zeeman (1902) • Becquerel / P.Curie / M.Curie (1903) Rayleigh (1904) • Lenard (1905)/).

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