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40. Translate into English using Present Simple.

Мой дядя инженер. Он очень занят. Его рабочий день начинается рано утром. Он встает в семь часов. Он умывается, одевается и завтракает. После завтрака он идет на работу. Он работает в институте. Он любит свою работу. Он женат. Его жена врач. Она работает в больнице. Вечером она изучает английский язык. Мой дядя не говорит по-французски. Он говорит по-русски и по-немецки. Он тоже изучает английский язык. Вечером они посещают курсы английского языка вместе. Сын моего дяди ученик. Он ходит в школу. В школе он изучает английский язык.

41. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Present Simple or Future Simple form.

1. I (to play) chess tomorrow. 2. I (not to play) chess tomorrow. 3. You (to play) chess tomorrow? 4. He (to play) chess every day. 5. He (not to play) chess every day. 6. He (to play) chess every day? 7. Nick (to go) to school every day. 8. Nick (to go) to school tomorrow. 9. You (to come) to my place next Sunday? 10. You (to read) this book next week? 11. You (to read) books every day? 12. I (not to see) him tomorrow. 13. She (to dance) every day. 14. She (to dance) tomorrow? 15. He (to go) to the theatre tomorrow. 16. We (to go) to school in the morning. 17. You (to help) your mother tomorrow? 18. My brother (to play) the guitar every evening. 19. They (not to take) care of the garden next summer. 20. You (to like) apples? 21. You (to eat) apples tomorrow?

42. Rewrite the text using Past Simple.

On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don't drink tea. I drink coffee. After breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don’t leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don’t work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watches TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about eleven o'clock we I go to bed.

43. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Present Simple, Past or Future Simple form.

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for school yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow? 13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus. Yesterday he (not to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine o’clock. 14. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? No, I. ... . 15. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? I (to buy) a book. 16. Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.

L i s t e n i n g

44. Listen to two teenagers, Jane and Mark, talking about their personality. What adjectives do they use to describe characters?

45. Listen again and mark the following statements T (true) or F (false):

  1. Jane is light-minded.

  2. Mark is dim.

  3. People don’t like Mark because he is very determined.

  4. Jane tries to be hard-working.

  5. Mark enjoys studying.

46. Listen once more and answer the questions:

  1. Why does Jane’s mother say she is light-minded?

  2. Why is Mark critical?

  3. Why does Mark study very much?

  4. Why is Jane’s mother often angry with her?

  5. Why do people think that Mark is boaslful?

* * *

S p e a k i n g

47. Translate the Russian sentences into English and vice versa. Then reproduce the dialogue in English with your partner.


  • Ты хочешь познакомиться с Джимом Смитом?

  • Well, I don’t know anything about him. What does he look like?

  • Он довольно высокий, широкоплечий, у него карие глаза и темные волосы. Он носит очки.

  • Что он за человек?

  • He is very reserved, polite, energetic and professional.

  • Сколько ему лет?

  • I don’t know exactly, but I guess he is about thirty.

  • Он женат?

  • No, he isn’t.

  • Познакомь меня с ним.

  • All right.


  • I’ve heard you have a new boss. Do you like him?

  • Да, он трудолюбивый и с ним легко иметь дело.

  • What does he look like?

  • Он невысокого роста, полный, с овальным лицом. У него светлые волнистые волосы и он носит усы.

  • Did you have a chance to talk to him?

  • Конечно. Он очень вежлив и всегда открыт к новым идеям.

  • I am glad to hear that.

  • А Вы знакомы с ним?

  • No, I’m not. But I would like to.