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52. Read the task and the advertisement in exercise 55 carefully. Then read the message below, and decide if the writer has included all the requested information.


I’m David. I’m from Manchester, UK. I am sixteen. I am medium height and slim. My hair is short and light-brown. I think I am cheerful, reliable and a bit timid. I would like my friend to be trustworthy and tactful. I wouldn’t like my friend to be dishonest or rude.

53. Tick the box if the information is mentioned in the email.

1. who/you? 

4. what personality/have? 

2. where/from? 

5. what/your hobbies? 

3. what/look like? 

6. what kind/friend? 

54. Rewrite David’s message, adding the information he’s missed out.

55. You see this advertisement in an Internet forum. Write your response in an email of 40-50 words.


  • who you are and where you are from

  • what you look like and what you are like

  • what your hobbies are

  • what kind of person you would like to make friends with

* * *

C o u n t r y s t u d y

British character

56. Pre-reading task: Think of four things that you think are typically British. Compare your list with the typically British things mentioned by your groupmates.

57. Do you know much about the uk? Choose the correct answers. Then read the text and find out if you were right.

1. Foreigners consider the British _____________ .

a) talkative b) generous c) reserved

2. People believe the British eat ____________ for breakfast every day.

a) hamburgers b) porridge c) pizza

3. Many Australians believe that the English always __________ .

a) argue b) smile c) complain

4. British parliament is the ____________ in the world.

a) oldest b) richest c) most modern

5. British people are widely known to be extremely ___________ .

a) ambitious b) risky c) polite

6. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a ___________.

a) lifestyle b) norm of acting c) career

7. Traditional English drink is ____________ .

a) tea with milk b) tea with lemon c) coffee with milk

5 8. Read the text below and check your answers.

Foreigners have many ideas about what the British like. For example, some people say the British are always cold and reserved, this means that they don’t talk much to strangers, and don’t show much emotion. A reserved person never tells you anything about himself. But the people of the North and West of Britain are much less reserved than those of the South and East. Some believe the British eat porridge for breakfast and read The Times every day. Many Australians believe that the English always whine. The Welsh, Scottish and Irish also have a thing or two to say about what they think the English are like. And, of course, the English themselves have plenty of ideas about what they are, such as being proud of having one of the oldest parliament in the world.

British people are famous for their habit of politeness. They are never tired in saying "Thank you", "I’m sorry", "Beg your pardon". It is considered polite to give up one’s seat to a woman who is standing, to open a door for her, carry things for her, and so on. Most British people expect the person in front of them to hold the door open for them. People think you are rude, if you don’t do this. Most British people queue when they are waiting for a bus or waiting to be served in a shop. But during the rush hour, when a bus or train arrives, people often push forward to make sure they get on. This is called jumping the queue. British people keep their old traditions and are very proud of them. They are famous for their sense of humour. English people show great love for animals. And, of course, English people are fond of sports. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider something unfair, they say "That isn’t cricket".

The traditional love of English people for tea is well known. They like to drink tea with milk. They have their five-o’clock tea not only at home or in offices, but also in tea-rooms and tea-shops, which can be found in every town.

One of the most striking features of English life is the self-discipline and courtesy of people of all classes. There is little noisy behaviour, and practically no loud disputing in the street. The Englishman does not like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress or speech. Sometimes he conceals his knowledge: a linguist, for example, may not mention his understanding of a foreigner’s language. The Englishman prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats, because he doesn’t wish his doing to be overlooked by his neighbours. "An Englishman’s house is his castle."

V o c a b u l a r y S t u d y

to whine

жаловаться, плакаться; ныть

rush hour

час пик

queue [kjuː]


to jump the queue

пройти вне очереди

standard of behaviour

норма поведения

feature ['fiːʧə]

особенность, характерная черта

behaviour [bɪ'heɪvjə]


V o c a b u l a r y b u i l d i n g