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48. Answer these questions about yourself

  1. What are some characteristics of your personality?

  2. What makes you happy?

  3. What are some things that make you angry?

  4. Are you happy with your personality?

  5. Would you like to be different?

  6. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person?

  7. Are you shy? In which occasions are you shy?

  8. Do you consider yourself selfish? Why?

  9. Is your personality suited to your job?

  10. In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed?

  11. Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)?

  12. Do you think you can change a major characteristic of your personality if you try?

  13. Do you think you have an unusual personality? Why?

  14. If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be?

  15. What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?

  16. What personality traits do you consider important in a good friend / a boss / a partner?

  17. Do you consider yourself to be even-tempered?

  18. What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

49. Prepare to introduce yourself to the group. Think of your biography, your family, your interests and hobbies as well as your plans for the future.

You may find these phrases useful:

To begin with, …

Для начала, ….

Generally speaking, I think …

Вообще-то я думаю ….

Personally, I would say that …

Я бы лично сказал, что ….

To my mind, …

На мой взгляд, …

To be quite honest/ frank, …

Честно говоря, …

Compared to …

По сравнению с ….

In contrast to …

В отличие от ….

I prefer/ like …

Ш предпочитаю / люблю ….

What I like the best is ...

Больше всего я люблю …

My favourite ...

Мой любимый(ая) …

I hate/ loathe/ detest/ can’t stand

Я ненавижу …

* * *

L a n g u a g e P r a c t i c e

50. Translate this text into English

Разрешите представиться. Меня зовут Катя Смирнова. Я студентка КHИТУ. Я учусь на первом курсе. Я бы хотела сказать несколько слов о моих родителях. Они трудолюбивые люди. Моя мама врач, а папа инженер. Мои родители добрые, дружелюбные, с ними легко иметь дело. Они всегда помогают мне. Мою маму зовут Анна. Она не очень высокая, у нее светлые волосы и серые глаза. Моего папу зовут Игорь. Он имеет спортивное телосложение, он высокий и мускулистый. Я похожа по характеру на маму. Я жизнерадостная, покладистая и оптимистично смотрю на жизнь. Я высокая как папа, у меня длинные светлые волосы и серые глаза. Друзья говорят, что я привлекательная.

51. Spot the error. In each sentence below you will find an error. Underline it and write a correct sentence in your copybook.

  1. I am seventeen years.

  2. My name – Igor.

  3. Always I try to be honest.

  4. My hobbys are music and animals.

  5. My mother help me when I have problems.

  6. I was born in 1994 year.

  7. I am a first-course student at Technological University.

  8. My father have got dark eyes.

  9. My hairs are short.

  10. My sister name is Maria.

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