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  1. to move to another country

  2. in need of repair

  3. to work as a grape-picker

  4. to shear a sheep

  5. temporary accomodation

  6. an advert for a flat-share

  7. to promote to a senior management position

  8. a strawberry patch

  9. a computer crash

  10. to avoid doing smth.

  11. to throw smth. away

  12. a filing cabinet

  13. to put smth. off

  14. to look forward for

  15. positive environment

  16. to complain about smth.

  17. to put up with smth.

  18. to take steps

  19. to be up to smb.

  20. to tidy the desk

  21. to do alternative work experience

  22. to have a new look at

  23. an extended break

  24. to take life one stage at a time

  25. a rewarding experience

  26. to gain new qualifications

  27. to improve job prospects

  28. To benefit from

  29. a conservation project

  30. to volunteer

  31. to make a difference

  32. to range from … to …

  33. to build the itinerary

  34. to live the culture

  35. to work overtime

  36. to give smb. A lift

  37. to make an offer

  38. to set up equipment

  39. a supply of stationary

  40. foreign currency

  41. available

  42. a connecting flight


Answer these questions:

  1. Are you an organized person or not?

  2. Do you like to plan carefully in advance or do you prefer to be more spontaneous?

  3. Do you have any friends or relatives who are very different from you in this respect? Does this ever cause problems?

  4. Do you think age or sex affect how organized people are?

Read the questionnaire and tick your answers.

  1. You have an important form to fill in and you know it’ll take at least two hours to do it properly. It’s Tuesday today and you have to hand it in by nine o’clock on Friday morning at the latest.

A . You’re planning to do it tonight. That’ll give you time to read it through tomorrow night and hand it in early on Thursday.

B. You’re going out tonight, but you intend to do it tomorrow night. If you ‘re honest though, you know you probably won’t even get down to it until about ten o’clock on Thursday evening.

2. You bump into a friend you haven’t seen for ages in the street – she suggests a night out together next week.

A. You get out your diary to see what you’re doing next week, and make an arrangement there and then.

B. You agree enthusiastically and promise to ring her tomorrow … and then forget all about it!

3. To your amazement, you win $500 in a competition that you entered.

A. You put the money in the bank towards the new car / holiday / computer that you ‘re saving up for.

B. You pay off a few debts, buy a couple of CDs and some new clothes, take a friend out for a meal to celebrate … and the money’s gone!

4. It’s the end of June. You have two weeks holiday from work at the beginning of August.

A. You have already booked your holiday and are starting to plan what clothes you need. You’ve borrowed several tourist guides to the area, and are planning various excursions and trips.

B. You’re thinking of going to Greece, but you haven’t really looked into it yet. You’re going to start phoning travel agents next week.

5. You’ve been given an important message for a friend.

A. You phone him straight away, in case you forget about it next time you meet.

B. You’re sure to see him in the next few days – you’ll remember to tell him then.

6. You’re due to be at a meeting in another town at three o’clock. You know it’ll take you at least thirty minutes to get there.

A. You allow an hour for the journey – that way you definitely won’t be late. You’d like to have enough time to have a coffee and make a few notes before the meeting starts.

B. You allow yourself twenty-five minutes and hope you don’t have any problems on the way. If you’re late, you can blame the traffic or the public transport system!

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