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  1. Choose the right variant for the multiple-choice statements.

  1. Bryophytes differ from thallophytes (true algae) in that

  1. bryophytes are rarely filamentous, except during one stage in the life history of mosses

  2. bryophytes are composed of cells that form tissues

  3. bryophytes are usually terrestrial, remaining somewhat dependent on their ancestral aquatic environment

  4. all of the above e. none of the above.

  1. Bryophytes

  1. need water for their flagellated sperm cells to swim from the antheridia to the egg cells in the archegonia

  2. lack the ability to move fluids internally across long distances

  3. lack the support of xylem

  4. all of the above e. none of the above.

  1. All bryophytes have a(n)

  1. alternation of generations b. sporophyte generation

c. gametophyte generation d. all of the above.

  1. none of the above.

  1. A significant innovation unique to the vascular plants is the seed, which

  1. consists of an embryo b. has some stored food

c. is enclosed within a protective coat d.all of the above

e. none of the above.

  1. Lycophytes have club-shaped structures at the ends of their stems known as strobili, which form clusters of sporophylls. It is from these structures that the group’s common name, ______________, has been derived.

  1. strobili mosses b. club-shaped mosses c. club mosses

d. sporophyll mosses e. cluster mosses.

  1. Club mosses have

  1. true leaves b. true stems c. true roots

d. all of the above e. none of the above.

  1. Give detailed answers to the questions below:

  1. What plants do bryophytes include?

  2. What are they composed of?

  3. Why do bryophytes need water?

  4. All the bryophytes have an alternation of generation, don’t they? What do you know about it?

  5. How are the parts of bryophytes referred to as?

  6. What do you know about the processes called homospory, heterospory?

  7. What feature is unique to the vascular plants?

  8. What groups do tracheophytes consist of?

  9. Do psilophytes have true stems, no true roots, no true leaves?

  10. When did psilophytes thrive?

  11. What period did Lycophytes appear?

  12. What parts are Lycophytes composed of?

  13. What role do strobili play?

  1. Think of 5-7 statements that would contradict the contents of the text.


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