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5. Recite the main points of the text. Unit 2. Business Organisations

1. Words to be remembered.

sole trader – единственный владелец, работающий без партнеров

partnership – товарищество

registered company – акционерное общество

loan – заем, ссуда, кредит

security of charges – гарантия оплаты

shares – акции

losses – убытки, потери

borrowing – заем

subsist – существовать

stipulation – обусловленность, договоренность

charitable – благотворительный

tort – правонарушение

incur – подвергаться

sue – иск, подавать иск

binding – обязательный

entity – экономическая единица, субъект экономической


defendant – ответчик

promoter – учредитель

plaintiff – истец

mandate – поручение

credit (to) – давать кредит, кредитовать

authorise – наделять правами

repudiate – отказываться, аннулировать

unsound – психически ненормальный

passing-off – ведение дела под чужим именем

injunction – запрет, запретительная норма

illegal – незаконный

by implication – косвенно, подразумеваемым образом

inter alia (лат.) –

dissolution – прекращение, расторжение

winding up – прекращение

assets – активы

lease – арендовать

writ – судебное решение, предписание

judgement – решение суда

deficiency – недостаток, отсутствие

indemnify – гарантировать возмещение ущерба

to be entitled to – иметь право доступа

remuneration – вознаграждение

expel – исключать

fiduciary – доверительный

undertake – принимать, обязываться, брать на себя

freehold reversion – изменение права собственности, переход к

первоначальному собственнику

estate – собственность

vicariously liable – ответственный без вины за действия другого

common law – общее право

injury – вред, ущерб

bribe – взятка, дать взятку

rival – конкурент

wrongful act – неправомерное действие

legitimate – законный

illegitimate – незаконный

2. Text for reading.

The basic business organisations in England and Wales are the sole trader, the partnership and the registered company. There are advantages and disadvantages associated with these different forms. The most important point of distinction is that, where persons choose to register a company, the company is a juristic or artificial legal person which, with certain obvious exceptions, enjoys the same rights under the law as a natural person. In the case of the sole trader or the partnership, no separate legal person is created. The main consequence is that the registered company provides the protection of liability for its members.

A. The Sole Trader

The proprietor may, of course, employ other people but the responsibility for the success or failure of the enterprise is in the hands of the sole trader who will usually raise the capital of the business by loans from banks against the security of charges on his private property, such as house, life insurance policy or shares. The proprietor retains all the profits but is liable for all the losses up to the full extent of his private fortune and any legal action in respect of the business will be brought against the proprietor.

The proprietor has great freedom but suffers disadvantages including: (i) limited capital, (ii) limited borrowing, (iii) problems with holidays and sickness, (iv) limited scope for expansion. But these would not necessarily be removed by incorporation.