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4. Перекладіть англійською мовою:

1. Де містер Андерсон? – Він поїхав до Гааги. – Коли? – Кілька днів тому. 2. Я ніколи не був у Нідерландах, хоча хочу там побувати вже кілька років. 3. Ви коли-небудь були у Торонто? – Так. Останній раз я був там в минулому році. 4. З учорашнього дня погода змінилася. Дуже холодно, йде сніг, і дує сильний вітер. 5. Вони вже пішли? – Так, вони вийшли рівно о сьомій. 6. Ми щойно продали останній екземпляр цієї книги. 7. Ви вже написали контрольну роботу? Покажіть її мені. 8. Мені ще нічого не казали про це. 9. На вечір робота була закінчена. 10. Ця будівля була щойно збудована, коли ми приїхали сюди.

5. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:


Heinrich Schlieman was one of the world’s most extraordinary men. From early childhood he wanted to find Troy1, to prove that the Greece of Homer2 was fact not myth. He had to overcome many difficulties – poverty, illness, lack of education to achieve the goal. He trained himself as an archeologist; he was a genius at languages. His mind was brilliant, his energy immeasurable. He walked the Great Wall of China and penetrated the jungles of Mexico and Peru.

His wife Sophia was his partner in all the excavations. The book devoted to their life covers their tremendous discoveries and excavations. Troy came first. At Troy they discovered, in Priam’s3 palace, the great treasure of more than 10 000 pieces. Schlieman offered the treasure to the British museum, which refused it; ultimately it went to Berlin and disappeared at the end of the Second World War.

(…) Work progressed rapidly through the long days. And in late spring, 1873, came the day that justified their hopes.

Sophia and Heinrich were digging together but without a crew on a level flagstone4 floor between two walls. One was the wall of the house that Heinrich thought was the Palace of Priam, the other, a high fortification wall. Heinrich standing apart from Sophia, struck metal, a strike that triggered the most sensational archeological news of the nineteenth century. He called to her. In a moment she stood beside him, looking at a big copper object of a most peculiar shape. Then she too saw a glint of a brighter metal. Without speaking, she helped Heinrich to dig into the wall. On top of it there was a layer of red ruins, about five feet thick and hard as stone. The fortification wall rested on that layer.

The copper object was finally freed from the earth, and the Schliemans stared in the hole. Gold gleamed from it. Heinrich turned to Sophia, his back to the opening. Soundlessly his lips formed the words: None must see it.

In a whisper he told Sophia to tell the workmen to have extra time to rest in honor of his birthday. After that Sophia returned. Together they cut out the treasure with a large knife which it was impossible to do without the greatest risk to their life, for the fortification wall threatened every moment to fall down. As a jumble of gold, silver and copper objects began to pile up Sophia took the treasure to their room in her big red shawl.

In their room they began to examine the more than 10 000 precious objects they had dug out from the earth that morning.

Heinrich and Sophia picked up a huge silver vase. Lifting the vase to eye level Heinrich shook the heavy object. His fingers explored the inside of the neck of the vase, and gently pulled out from it gold so glorious that Sophia involuntarily cried out.

Heinrich held two diadems; Sophia slid her hand into the vase and pulled out four golden earrings.

Heinrich impulsively tilted the silver vase, and thousands of tiny objects tumbled to the table. When the tiny gold treasures were counted, they numbered 8 700.


1Troy (Троя) – an ancient city in Asia Minor, famous as the scene of Homer’s “Iliad”.

2Homer (Гомер) – the great epic poet of Greece (9th century B.C.) is said to have composed the “Iliad” and the “Odyssey”.

3Priam (Пріам) – the king of Troy when it was besieged by the Greeks in the Trojan War.

4flagstone – плитняк

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