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6. Дайте відповідь на питання до тексту:

1. Why did Heinrich Schlieman want to find Troy? 2. Was it easy for him to achieve his goal? 3. What did his wife and he discovered at Troy? 4. What happened to the Troy treasures? 5. When were the Troy treasures discovered? 6. What were the two walls they were digging between? 7. What did they see in the hole? 8. Why did they give the workmen the extra time to rest? 9. How did Sophia take the treasure to their room? 10. What did the huge silver vase contain?

7. Перекажіть текст.

8. Discussion. You know some professions are usually preferred by women, some by men. Some people think that there are some professions which are only for men or for women. Do you agree that nowadays there are women’s and men’s professions?

a) Read the following arguments that support the opposite points of view. Think of some more.

1. Some professions are dangerous for women’s health.

1. Women are as clever as men and have equal rights to choose a profession.

2. Some jobs can be done by men and women (a teacher, etc.), some only by men (a captain of a ship, etc.).

2. Men and women should work side by side in all walks of life.

b) Discuss the problem in groups of 3-5 students to make a decision.

c) Fill in the chart and give your reasons.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

There are some professions which are only for women or men.

There are no professions which are only for men or women.

d) Look through the following list of professions.

a plumber an accountant

a firefighter

a translator

an architect

a shop-assistant

a judge

a nurse

a cook

a postman

a poet

a secretary

a pilot

an engineer

a lawyer

a musician

e) Look at the sentences below. Which profession(s) do they refer to?

1. You can make a lot of money doing this.

2. This can be dangerous.

3. You have to study a long time to do this.

4. You can work at home.

5. This is a job where you can really help people.

6. You have to be very patient to do this.

7. You have to be good at languages to do this.

8. You have to be very good with people to do this.

f) Think of a profession but not say what it is. Describe it. Can other students guess what profession you are describing?


Граматика: Sequence of Tenses. Indefinite Pronouns

Текст: How to Be a Successful Inventor

Тема для обговорення: Important Inventions


Узгодження часів

He says

He said

1) that he works hard.

1) that he worked hard.

2) that he worked hard.

2) that he had worked hard.

3) that he will work hard.

3) that he would work hard.

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