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  1. Match 1 – 8 with a – h to form expressions from Text 3.

    1. communication

    2. corporate

    3. crisis

    4. share

    5. media

    6. issues

    7. senior

    8. executive

    1. management

    2. price

    3. illness

    4. communication

    5. skills

    6. strategies

    7. executives

    8. management

  2. Now match the expressions to these equivalent definitions:

  1. the act or skill of dealing with a problem or subject that people discuss that need to be controlled in some way.

  2. someone who has an important job as a manager in a company or business.

  3. well-planned series of actions for achieving a success in the process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts.

  4. the people having a higher rank who are in charge of a company on organization.

  5. a state of having serious health problems and weaknesses experienced by a manager.

  6. the amount of money for which company stocks are sold or bought.

  7. the ability to provide information for the public through radio, television or the press.

  8. the skill or process of dealing with unusually difficult situations in business (economics).

  1. Find in Text 3 equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases:

осознавать; точка зрения; осуществлять стратегию; персонал, штат; значительный, важный; осознать, недостаток; природные катаклизмы; падение цены; пользоваться спросом; сталкиваться с чем-либо; союзник; совет, рекомендация; ценить; непрерывное образование; тщательная подготовка.

  1. According to Text 3 are the following statements true or false? Is they are false, say why.

  1. Crisis communications and issues management are developing spheres in the United States.

  2. Crisis communications and issues management are in demand only in times of crisis.

  3. German managers are sure that crisis management is a way to promote their career.

  4. Natural disasters as well as executive illness or a decrease in share prices are regarded as potential crises.

  5. Great experience of issues managers as well as their deep theoretical knowledge make them essential for any company.

  6. Oliver Schmidt’s firm applies a client - centered approach.

  7. Oliver Schmidt believes that German issues management specialists will never reach the level of expertise as their American peers.

Text Discussion

Comment on the following:

“Crisis communications and issues management consultants are regarded as a valuable resource not only in times of crisis”.

“A mismanaged crisis due to their lack of skills in crisis communications can delay professional success”.

“Due to successful issues management and thorough preparation, many U.S. companies have hot only survived crisis but also gained strength and new momentum”.

Over to you

  1. Do you think crisis communications and issues management are developed in Russia? Justify your view. Give examples.

  2. Suggest your ideas how to develop issues management in Russia to help companies survive crises and gain strength and new momentum.

Section 7. Development (Fundraising and Membership)

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Proverb Starting up

  1. Are you a member of any organization?

  2. Does your organization need financial support?

  3. Do you pay membership fees?

  4. What are other sources of financial support in your organization?

Read Text 1 and say how development is involved in nonprofit organizations.

text 1


Fund-raising and membership drives are the lifeblood for thousands of health, education, political, special-interest, art, theater and other private, nonprofit organizations. The term frequently used to identify this aspect of public relations is "development." Many hospitals, museums, zoos, symphony orchestras, and universities have a "director of development." Other groups that rely more on memberships for their revenues—professional societies, unions, trade associa­tions, and citizen action groups—might have a "director of member services and development." Development specialists work for public broadcasting stations, disease prevention and research foundations, community arts groups, youth clubs, and religious organizations. Because such groups depend on donations, membership fees, or a combination of the two, they rely heavily on annual campaigns and special events to call attention to their needs and to solicit public support and contributions. The annual telethon, open house, homecoming, or celebrity auction, however, represents only a small portion of a year-long program designed to establish and maintain relationships with volunteers, alumni, "friends," members, donors, and prospects. Fund-raising and membership drives occur within the context of an overall program designed to influence an organization's relationships with various publics; therefore they are part of the larger organizational function — public relations.

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