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Refer closely to Text 1 and answer the questions:

  1. Why is publicity an uncontrolled method of placing messages?

  2. Why does the originator have little control over the message?

  3. What are the two methods for placing publicity?

  4. Who writes publicity stories?

  5. What is a publicity event?

  6. Is a publicity event more or less controlled than a story?

  7. Why is publicity confused with public relations?


  1. Find in Text 1 equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases:

отчет о доходах; очерк; официальное объявление; сценарий (радио- или телепередачи); торжественное открытие; воссоединение; посвящение; присуждение почетного звания; подписание законопроектов.

  1. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases:

outside source; originally presented story; scientific findings; to deserve attention; to increase the probability; newsworthy lead; established reputation; to stage an event; to attract media coverage; to manage events; to gain control over something; to evolve from something; to achieve objectives.

  1. Match 1 – 11 with a – k to form expressions from Text 1.

  1. news

  2. decision

  3. mass

  4. media

  5. fund-raising

  6. film

  7. progress

  8. publicity

  9. press

  10. ceremonial

  11. city

  1. space

  2. value

  3. clip

  4. maker

  5. release

  6. hall

  7. report

  8. media

  9. appointment

  10. campaign

  11. event

Give their Russian equivalents.

  1. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  1. charity

  2. legitimate

  3. publicity

  4. originator

  5. newsworthy

  6. release

  7. groundbreaking

  1. an official statement that is made available to be printed or broadcast.

  2. correct, allowable or operating according to the law.

  3. work that involves starting something new.

  4. any information about an individual, a product, or an organization that is distributed to the public through the media that is not paid for or controlled by the sponsor.

  5. money or gifts to help people who are poor or sick.

  6. important or interesting enough to be reported as news.

  7. the person who first has the idea for something and starts it.

Text Discussion

  1. You know different methods of publicity. Rate them beginning from the most efficient to the least efficient:

  • a progress report

  • an announcement

  • a feature

  • a report

  • a groundbreaking

  • an anniversary

  • a reunion

  • a press conference

  • a dedication

  • a marathon

  • a ceremonial appointment

  • an honorary degree

  • a contract signing

  • a legislation signing

  • an organized protest

  1. Comment on the following:

  1. Publicity may be defined as actions to attract public attention using mass media.

  2. The main aim of publicity is media coverage.

  3. “The good reporter tells you. The publicity man sells you”.

Over to you

(Pair Work). You are working for a production company as PR specialists. Your company is facing the problem of low sales. Your task is to generate sales. What publicity methods to choose? Make up a dialogue to discuss the problem.

Complete Text 2 using the words in the box.

reach buyers media publish release functions advantages prominent promote generate disadvantages stories message repeated believable marketers promotional altered

text 2


Publicity is one of the major (1)… ... of the public relations department. Here is how it works. Suppose that when we want to introduce our new product to consumers, we have very little money to (2)… ... it. We want to get some initial sales to (3) ... funds. One effective way to (4) ... the public is through publicity. We might prepare a publicity (5) ... describing the product and research findings supporting its benefits and send it to the various (6)… ... .

Release of the news about the product will reach many potential (7)… ... (and investors, distributors, and dealers), and we may be on our way to becoming wealthy( 8)… ... .

The best thing about publicity is that the various media will publish publicity (9)… ... free if the material seems interesting or newsworthy. The idea, then, is to write publicity that meets these criteria.

In addition to being free, publicity has several other (10)… ... over other (11)… ... tools such as advertising. For example, publicity may reach people who would not read an advertising (12)… ... . Publicity may be placed on the front page of a newspaper or in some other very (13) ... position. Perhaps the greatest advantage of publicity is its believability. When a newspaper or magazine publishes a story as news, the reader treats that story as news, and news is more (14) ... than advertising.

There are several (15)… ... to publicity as well. The media do not have to (16) …... a publicity release, and most are thrown away. Furthermore, the story may be (17) …... so that it is not so positive. There is good publicity (IBM comes out with a new supercomputer) and bad publicity (Alar found in Apples). Once a story has run, it is not likely to be (18)… ... . Advertising, on the other hand, can be repeated as often as needed. One way to see that publicity is handled well by the media is to establish a friendly relationship with media representatives, cooperating with them when they seek information. Then, when you want their support, they will cooperate as well.

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