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2. Now match the expressions to these equivalent expressions.

  1. all the direct and indirect costs involved in the production process;

  2. advertising and promotional material sent directly to consumers;

  3. a means of communicating advertising messages;

  4. help or advice for someone doing shopping;

  1. a person or organization that advertises all over the country;

  1. goods in everyday use, such as food, clothing, household goods, and services, such as hairdressing, retail banking, etc.

3. Find in Text 3 equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases:

общий объем затрат на рекламу; оскорбительный; вторгающийся в частную жизнь; бесплатный; почтовые издержки; телевизионная трансляция.

4. According to Text 3 are the following statements true or false? If they are false, say why.

  1. Annual advertising expenditures are less than $118 billion in the U.S.

  2. The majority of people think that the number one advertising medium is newspaper.

  3. Some TV commercials are considered offensive, intrusive, manipulative, etc.

  4. Businesses spend more on direct mail than on radio and magazines.

  5. Sponsors pay for the production cost.

  6. Advertisers pay mostly for promotional and mailing costs.

5. What statements do you agree with?

  1. Advertising is essential for business, especially for launching new consumer products.

  2. Advertising lowers the public’s taste.

  3. Advertising raises prices.

  4. Advertising does not present a true picture of products.

  5. Advertising has a bad influence on children.

6. Analyze the table. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various advertising media to the advertiser.





Good coverage of local markets; ads can be placed quickly; high consumer acceptance; ads can be clipped and saved

Ads compete with other features in paper; poor color; ads get thrown away with paper (short life span)


Uses sight, sound, and motion; reaches all audiences; high attention with no competition from other material

High cost; short exposure time; takes time to prepare ads


Low cost; can target specific audiences; very flexible; good for local marketing

People may not listen to ad; depends on one sense (listening); short exposure time


Can target specific audiences; good use of color; long life of ad; ads can be clipped and saved

Inflexible; ads often must be placed weeks before publication; cost is relatively high


High visibility and repeat exposures; low cost; local market focus

Limited message; low selectivity of audience

Direct mail

Best for targeting specific markets; very flexible; ad can be saved

High cost; consumer rejection as "junk mail"

7. Comment on the quotation:

“A spot on the Super Bowl a couple of weeks ago cost $750,000 for 30 seconds plus that much again for production. That’s $1.5 million. For that much money and often much less we can deliver a whole year’s program – producing thousands of newspaper articles, magazine features and coverage on network television and cable programs and radio that can take a client’s story to a huge audience on a continuing basis. It’s a combination of added credibility and the very high costs of advertising, and particularly TV advertising, that has accelerated interest in utilizing public relations to tell a product story.

Daniel J. Edelman.

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