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Before You Read the Story

The greatest contribution to American folk and popular music was made by the black people. This story tells about one of the most famous and best loved Jazz musicians of all times, about his child­hood, his life and his popularity-trumpet — a wind instrument consisting of tube to create - to make

drumbeat - a sound made by beating a drum spiritual - a religious folk song of -American Negroes tune - melody

bugle - a wind instrument like a trumpet but smaller to save - to be economical to acknowledge - to know

I Read the sentences. They will help you understand the under­lined words:

I. L. Armstrong raised the trumpet to his lips and played. 2- The black people created Jazz-3, The Negroes created jazz from African drumBeats, spirituals. and marching-band tunes.

4. He saved enough money to buy an old instruments.

5. Everyone acknowledged that L. Armstrong was the "King of Jazz".

After You Read the Story

II. Checking understanding Answer these questions:

/ ' '•

1. Who was L. Armstrong?

2. What instruments did he play?

3. When and where was Louis born?

4. Who was his favourite music teacher?

5. Why did L. Armstrong ha-ye to do odd jobs?

6. When did he get his first real Job playing?

7. At what age did L. Armstrong begin travelling all over the world with his band?

III. True or false- Give a reason for your answer:

1. Jazz was created in Africa. '

2. L- Armstrong formed a band in the school.

3- He first learned how to read music in the school.

4. In 1924 he got his own band and music became his whole life.

5. On the seventieth birthday many famous singers and musi­cians came and performed in his honour.


i. Who created jazz?

2- What are the first steps of L. Armstrong in music?

3. When did L. Armstrong become famous?


Jack london (1876 - 1916) Word Study

to support oneself — to provide oneself with money J. London had to support himself by selling newspapers.

Note: "The Iron Heel" - ")KeJie3Haa nara".

The famous American novelist Jack London (pen-name of John Griffith), came of an extremely poor family. Jack attended the Oak­land High School for a year and afterwards he attended a semester at the University of California. But he had no money to go on with his studies and he went to work.

Even during his school years he had to support himself by selling newspapers and doing other small jobs- Then he became a sailor and later a gold-miner- Some of the difficulties he met during the first years of bis literary work are described in " Martin Eden".

Jack London was a member of the Ame.i ic^r- Socialist Party and came into close contact with the working class movement. In his novel "The Iron Heel" he gives a picture of the working class strug­gle. During the sixteen years of his literary career, London pub­lished abouUifty books, short stories, novels and other works. Some of his works reflect the social contradictions of capitalist society. Among these is "Martin Eden" which was published in 1909.

I.. Answer these questions:

1. When was Jack London born?

2. Where did he study?

3. What novels did J. London write?

4. What London's novels and stories have you read?