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After You Read the Story

Check ing^ U_n dgrstand ing Finish these lists:

Your rights:

1. getting a good education



Your responsibilities:

1 - keeping your neighborhood




Checking,Word Meanings Find the words that belong _in each sentf-acci

Words: Sentences:

1. responsibility a) The United States has a high __ .

2. general store, b) Every city and town in the United States is a ___ .

3. Standard of living c) You can get a job through a public

employment ___ -4- right d) Everyone should make ___ to his


5. community e) A ___ sells candy and groceries.

6. contributions f) Each person has the ___ of obeying the


7. agency g) Freedom to assemble means the ___ to hold meetings.

But you have responsibilities too. You have the responsibility of helping to make your neighborhood as nice as possible. Every time you reme-mber to throw your old newspaper into the trash basket,

you are helping to keep the community clean. Every time you re­mind your child to be careful with his library books, you are teach­ing him responsibility.

You and your neighbours have the responsibility of raising the standard of living in your community. Your community may need a new school, or a hospital, or a playing ground for children. You can

talk with your neighbours about ways to rnnkt3 your neighborhood just what you want it to be.

We are always trying to raise our standard of living. We want every child in our country to have as '.".uch education as he needs or

wants. We would like every adult lo earn a good living and enjoy a full life.


1. What countries in the world have a high standard of living?

2. Why should every child get as much education as he can? 3- How can you help raise the standard of living in your community?

Washington Monument


The. "Washington Monument was built in honor of George Wash­ington. It is 555 feet high. Inside you can walk up the 898 steps or take the elevator to the top. From the windows at the top you can look out and see all of Washington, D.C.


American ways

I.. Remember the following words:.

i,u bnrrov - ;<; g"L smth from another person with the under s*".'!'-! •ic,< that ifc must be returned

!••' ding ~ allowing the use of something for a while

You may lend a book, a flat, a dictionary, a pen, -.. eg.

Can you lend me a pencil?

i can't lend you this book, I need ifc myself pf; food - food for dogs, cats, parrots etr :';'i'l'^,-ition - form on which a person applies for something -•rnr,|""pi- - »-he person or company \v whom you work iieighborhood - place where people live near one another tr- r\-,"r-i- •.) isl: y.s a price, a fee

s-J;i.)iidi-^' More - a shop where they sell such articles as paper, •-••••i'-; ir';. ji-ncils, etc

opir-ion - what one thinks

II Read and understand the follQwjniLtgxt:

Some of the American ways seem strange to us This is under­standable. Some of our ways would seem str'nge to Americans too.

You may find an American drugstore, /or e ^ifiipie, different from anything you have ever seen. The An-imcan di-iigstr.i p, like drug­stores everywhere, sells both prescription and other medicines. In many drugstores you can eat a meal, enjoy a soda, make a telephone call, borrow a book from the lending library section, buy soap, toothpaste, cigarettes, shower caps, bedroom slippers and even toys.

The supermarket is another unusual American Store. It started as a self-service food market. Now it also sells nylon stockings, coffee pots, pet food, wiring for your lamps, or your electric iron, dishes and perhaps automobile tires.

Another American institution that surprises many newcomers is the public library. It is free and open to everyone- You can borrow books or magazines and take them home to read- The library has books of all kinds, in English or in other languages, for both chil­dren and adults. In some libraries, you may also borrow music records and movie films. To become a member, you must get an application from your library- The librarian will help you fill out the application.

ti.; AiiKricrfn community center is also of interest. In a commu­nity center or settlenu'nl house as some of the older centers are railed, )ou and your rhiidrcn can play, hear a concert, attend a class, or take part in a discussion. Different, community centers have different kinds of activities. Some liave nursery schools fur very young children and .summer day camps for older children Day camps plan daily activities for the children- trips to the park, swimming in a nearby pool or games at the playground The children return home every afternoon. It costs as little as a dollar a vear to become a member of mos>t community centres or settlement houses.

Mu.sL America;] parents rcspecL the right of children co have then own opinions They teach their children good manners, and try to help them grow as individuals Parents talk things over with their (hildrcn and let them express their ideas. Children are brought up to live in freedom. They are the hope of America.

III. Read these sentences and learn the meaning of thi'under­lined words:

'l •" pi"'-,-; rjp'i.ion is written by d. doctor It tells the drugg'.st what drugs to use in the medicine.

2 A person has to fill out an application before he can get books from a library

3. The librarian helps people <-i'.^ose books to read.

4- Newcomers to the United States often flo to schoo1 fo learn English.

5 Americans believe in equalii} of opportunit-'es {or riP people.

6 Newcomers often notice the freedom American parents give their children.

IV Answer these questions-

1. What can you buy in an American drugstore?

2. What can you buy in a supermarket?

3. What things can you do in a community center?

4. How do parents in the United States get along with their children?

V. Look at the underlined words in exercise II Use one or those words in each blank below. The first sentences are done for you:

1. The doctor will prescribe some medicine

The patient will take the prescription to the drugstore

2. John is a new citizen

Five. years ago he was .. to this country

3. I visit the library every 2 weeks.

The ... helps me to choose good books.

4. Mr Smith will apply for a card at the library. He. will fill out ...

5. In the United States they try to give each man an opportuni­ty to go ahead. We are proud of the ... of opportunity found in the country.