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Exercise 41

Write sentences about the BOS staff, like this:

  1. Fred McLean is a managing director.

  2. Luisa Middle is _____________________________________________

  3. Simon Young ______________________________________________

  4. Sheila Baker _______________________________________________

  5. Mary Mackie ______________________________________________

  6. Paul Johnson ______________________________________________

  7. Joy Bradley ________________________________________________

  8. Howard Spencer ___________________________________________

Exercise 42

Talk about what people do at BOS, like this:

1.What does Fred do? He’s a managing director.

What does Luisa do? She’s ..................................

2. Is Luisa a receptionist? Yes, she is.

Is Paul a secretary? No, he isn’t. He’s a ..........

3. What do you do? I'm a ……………………..

Exercise 43

Five people talk about their jobs. Match the jobs (1-5) to the people (a-e).

  1. accountant

  2. post woman

  3. flight attendant

  4. software developer

  5. teacher

  1. Obviously, my work involves traveling a lot. It can be quite physically tiring, but I enjoy dealing with customers, except when they become violent. Luckily this doesn’t happen often.

  2. I like working with figures, but my job is much less boring and routine than people think. The work involves a lot of human contact and teamwork, working with other managers.

  3. Of course, it involves getting up quite early in the morning. But I like being out in the open air. And I get a lot of exercise!

  4. You’ve got to think in a very logical way. The work can be mentally tiring, but it’s very satisfying to write a programme that works.

  5. I love my job. It’s very stimulating and not at all repeating: no two days are the same. It’s good to see the children learn and develop.


It is very common to present yourself in terms of your job. The job identifies the person.

Table 13





A: What do you do (for a living)?

A: Do you work?

A: What do you do (in the ……………. Department)?

A: I haven’t seen you around before.

B: Well,

B: Oh,

I’m in computers.

B: Yes, I’m a fashion designer.

I’m on the market research side.

B: No, I’ve just started with Manders. I’m in the Sales Department.

B: Not a bad job.

A: That’s interesting.

B: What about you?/And you?

A: What do you do there?

We use a variety of prepositions to indicate work relationships.

We work for Manders (they are my employees)

I work at Manders (the place)

I work with Manders (a sense of collaboration)

I’m in computers (general type of work)

I’m on the market research side (general type of work)

I’m in the Sales Department (specific place of work)

Exercise 44

Manders are having their annual party. Read and translate.

Dialogue 1

A: Nice to meet you, Peter. What do you do for a living?

B: I’m in computers – software development. What about you, John?

A: Oh, I work for Manders – in the Personnel Department. Not a bad job.

B: Is that one of your colleagues over there?

A: Yes, that’s Susan. She works in the Accounts Department. Let me introduce you.

Dialogue 2

A: Hello, I’m Mike.

B: Nice to meet you, I’m Sarah. I haven’t seen you around before.

A: No, I’ve just started to work for Manders. I’m in the Sales Department.

B: What do you do there?

A: Oh, I’m on the market research side. And you?

B: Well, I’ve been with Manders for years. I’m Mr Field’s Personal Assistant. He’s the Sales Director.

A: Ah, I haven’t met him.

B: Let me introduce you.

Dialogue 3

A: That’s interesting. Do you work here, Martin?

B: Yes, I’m in France. What about you, Jean?

A: Well, my husband works at Manders. He’s in the Production Department.

B: Oh yes, I think I’ve met him. What about you? Do you work?

A: Yes, I’m a fashion designer. I work from home.

B: That’s interesting.

Exercise 45

Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

  1. What do you do ……. a living?

  2. I work ……. Manders.

  3. I’m ………….. the recruitment side.

  4. He’s ……………. the Production Department.

  5. I work ………….. home.

  6. She’s been …………… Manders ……………. years.

Exercise 46

Choose the most appropriate response.

  1. I’m in computers. What about you?

  1. Oh, I live in London.

  2. Well, I work in Sales.

  3. Oh, I’ve been here for years.

  1. I’m Mr Jones’ secretary. He’s the Production Manager.

  1. Ah, that’s interesting.

  2. Is that one of your colleagues over there?

  3. Oh, I haven’t met him.

  1. I live in Paris. What about you?

  1. I’m a fashion designer.

  2. I live right here.

  3. Well, I work from home.

  1. My husband’s in the Production Department.

  1. I’m in the Sales Department.

  2. Not a bad job.

  3. Oh, yes, I think I’ve met him.

  1. Hello, I’m Sarah. I haven’t seen you around before.

  1. What do you do for a living?

  2. Is that one of your colleagues?

  3. No, I’m new here.

Exercise 47 (Global Links 1, ex.1, p.4)

Listen. Check (۷) the names, addresses, and phone numbers you hear.

  1. .… John Wolfe

.… John Woolf

  1. …. Jessica Stewart

…. Jessica Stuart

  1. … 416 Harlem Ave.

…. 460 Harlem Ave.

  1. …. (312) 555-0782

…. (320) 555-7082

  1. …. 1340 Belle Street

Suit 15

…. 1314 Belle Street Suit 50

Exercise 48 (Global Links 1, ex.2, p. 4)

Listen. Fill in the forms.


The Clarion Hotel ( Reservation card)

Guest Name Last Emerson First ______________________________

Address _______________________________________________Street

San Fransisco, CA 94123_______________________________

Phone (______) _______ - _____________________________________


Phoenix Travel (Passenger Reservation card)

Name _(last)________________________________________(first) Jordan

Address ________________________________________________ Street

______Seattle, Washington________________________________

Phone _______________________________________________________


Department of Immigration (Arrival card)

Name _________________________________________________________

Last First Middle Initial

Nationality _____________________________________________________

Passport number _________________________________________________

Signature ______________________________________________________


Grammar notes

Определенный артикль the употребляется перед нарицательными существительными, обозначающими конкретный предмет, который уже известен говорящим.

I have a flat. The flat is large and comfortable.

У меня ест квартира. Квартира (о которой идет речь) большая и комфортабельная.

Употребление артиклей с именами существительными собственными.

  • С названиями материков, стран, городов, улиц, площадей артикль не употребляется.

Africa, Germany, Russia, Spain, Washington, Moscow, London, Red Square, Trafalgar Square, Pushkin Street, Green Street

  • Определенный артикль the употребляется с названиями стран, основным элементом которых является нарицательное имя существительное.

The United States of America, The United Kingdom

  • С именами и фамилиями артикль не употребляется.

My name is Martin Wilson. I’m Kitty.