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Exercise 82

Translate into English.

  1. Компанию возглавляет Управляющий Директор.

  2. Секретарь управляющего изучает английский язык.

  3. Все директора компании входят в Совет Директоров.

  4. Менеджер каждого отдела отчитывается перед директором.

  5. Работа Мистера Смита заключается в ежедневном руководстве компании.

  6. Компания моего отца имеет два филиала за границей.

  7. Старший менеджер отвечает за свою область деятельности.

  8. Результаты продаж этого года положительны.

  9. Обычно компания состоит из отдела продаж, отдела маркетинга, финансового отдела.

  10. Сколько дочерних предприятий имеет знаменитая японская компания?


Company departments отделы компании

Active vocabulary


  1. purchasе - закупка, закупать

  2. distribution - доставка

  3. recruiting - набор рабочих

  4. invoice - счет

  5. payment - оплата

  6. launch - запуск

  7. task - задание

  8. background - предыстория, происхождение

  9. consumer - потребитель

  10. customer - заказчик

  11. shift - смена

  12. questionairе - анкета, вопросник

  13. survey - обзор

  14. assembly line - сборочная линия

  15. item - предмет, пункт

  16. range - ассортимент, набор


  1. to maintain - поддерживать

  2. to persuade - убеждать, уговаривать

  3. to set out - выставить, изложить

  4. to check - проверить

  5. to improve - улучшать

  6. to supervise - наблюдать

  7. to sack - увольнять

  8. to devise - изобретать

  9. to liaise with - поддерживать связь


  1. scientific - научный

Exercise 83

Match the departments on the left with the correct definition on the right:

  1. sales A. is responsible for manufacturing goods

  2. purchasing B. recruiting new staff

  3. planning C. deals with invoices and payments

  4. research and

development D. handles advertising and new product launches

  1. quality control E. buys in products and services

  2. production F. tries to develop new products

  3. personnel G. makes sure that standards are maintained

  4. finance H. persuades people to buy the company’s products

  5. distribution I. sets out a strategy for the company’s future

  6. marketing J. transports goods to different places

Exercise 84

Use the spaces below to write a short description of your department:

I work in the ……………………………….department/section. There are …………………people working in this department. Our main tasks are …………………………………………. and …………………………………… We also ……………………………………………… I deal with …………………………..

Exercise 85

In the extracts below some managers of ABEX, a Lagos-based manufacturing company, are describing their departments. Use the words below to complete the gaps in the extracts and write the names of the departments in the spaces provided.

















1. Robert Ngara

In my department we’re ……………………. for making sure that ………………. know about our products. We also deal with ………………….. new products. We use ………………………… and surveys to find out what products people want to buy.

Robert is head of ………………………. department.

2. Hassan Abdelkader

Our department is the …………………….. in the company. In fact there are over 250 of us altogether, and most of the people work in a system of three …………………… . Our work never really stops, unless there are ……………. problems. One of my main jobs is to ……………………….. part of the assembly line.

Hassan is a superviser in the ……………………. department.

  1. Tessa Mkrana

We work very closely with Hassan’s department although there are fewer of us. One of our most important tasks is to ……………………….. items on the assembly line to make sure there are no problems. We have to …………………….very high …………………… in the factory. I also liaise with our principal customers to make sure there are no problems.

Tessa is head of the ………………………. department.

  1. Hafiz Ahmed

Mine is the smallest department in the company. In fact there are only five of us and we all come from a ………………………… or engineering ……………. . Basically what we do is to devise new products or to look at ways of ………………….. the products we make at the moment. It’s a very exciting job.

Hafiz works in the …………………….. department.

  1. Tamara Oku

I work on the “human” side of the business. My department is involved in ……………………….. new staff, training them, and dealing with a whole range of problems, including personal problems. I suppose that’s why some people refer to our activities as “human resources”. And the part of my job I don’t like? Well, it’s me who’s in charge of …………………….. people if their work is not up to standard. Tamara works in the …………………….. department.