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The English language of today is the result of more than 1000 years of development.

It is genetically allied to IE languages (common origin), that is why there is similarity between English and other IE languages, say, Russian.

At the same time, the English language reveals peculiarities typical only of Germanic languages, e.g. phonetic IE - Gc correspondences according to The First Consonant Shift.

Similarities between French and English in the vocabulary can be explained only from historical point of view: by Norman Conquest of England and the residence of the English and French on the same territory at the same time.

As the result of the internal development, the English language changed from synthetic type to analytical one. The transition was slow and gradual.

Interrelated processes contributed greatly to the destruction of the old synthetic system and its substitution for analytical one: the fixation of the stress on the root syllable and the loss of unstressed inflections changed the morphological structure of the word, led to the disintegration of the systems of declension and conjugation, hence the gradual loss of synthetic ways and the development of analytical means and more or less fixed word order in syntax.

The investigation of the English language throughout 3 periods of its evolution confirms that a language is a closed code system unsusceptible to structural changes from outside.

The only penetrable part of the language is vocabulary. Nevertheless, even the heavy influx of Romanic words and affixes into the English language went on in conformity with the general tendencies to put stress on the first (root) syllable and to drop endings.


  1. Barber Charles, Linguistic Change in Present-Day English, Edinburgh and London, 1964.

  2. Baugh A. C., Cable T.A History of the English Language, 4-th ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1993.

  3. Bell J. J. The History of England, St Petersburg, «Peter», 1995.

  4. Gimson A.C. An introduction to the Pronunciation of English, London, Edward Arnold (Publishers) LTD, 1965.

  5. Ilyish B. History of the English Language, Leningrad, 1973.

  6. Jespersen O. Growth and Structure of the English Language, Oxford, 1940.

  7. Jespersen O. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles, London and Copenhagen, 1942.

  8. Khaimovich B.S. A Short Outline of the History of English, Kiev, 1975.

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  10. Marchand H. The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Formation, Wiesbaden, 1960.

  11. Mencken H.L. The American Language, New York, 1919.

  12. Mincoff M. English Historical Grammar, 2-nd ed. Sofia, Naouka, 1967.

  13. Quirk R. and Wrenn C.L. An Old English Grammar, London, 1955.

  14. Quirk R. Essays on the English Language: Medieval and Modern, London, 1968.

  15. Rastoeguyeva T.A. History of English, Moscow, Vysšaya škola, 1983.

  16. Sweet H. New English Grammar, Logical and Historical, Oxford, Clarendon Press, part I-II, 1940.

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  18. Wyld H.C. A History of Modern Colloquial English, Oxford, 1953.

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  22. Гухман М.М. Готский язык. Москва, МГУ, 1998.

  23. Залесская Л.Д., Матвеева Д.А. Пособие по истории английского языка для заочных отделений факультетов английского языка педагогических институтов. Москва, «Высшая школа», 1984.

  24. Иванова И.П., Чахоян Л.П., Беляева Т.М. История английского языка. Учебник. Хрестоматия. Словарь.- СПб.: Изд-во «Лань», 2001.

  25. Иванова И., Беляева Т., Чахоян Л. Практикум по истории английского языка. - СПб.: «Лань», 2001.

  26. Матвеева Е.А.История английского языка. Москва, Тезаурус, 2006.

  27. Смирницкий А.И. Лекции по истории английского языка (средний и новый период) второе издание. Москва, Добросвет, 1998.

  28. Хлебникова И.Б. Введение в германскую филологию и историю английского языка «ЧеРо», 3-е издание исправленное, Москва, 2001.


  1. The All Nations English Dictionary (International Phonetic Alphabet) All Nations Literature, Colorado Springs, Co 80936, 1992

  2. Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, 5-th ed. Glasgo, Harper Collins Publishers, 2006

  3. Daniel Jones, English Pronouncing Dictionary. 15-th ed. Cambridge University Press, 1997


  1. An Anthology of English and American Verse, Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1972

  2. Folk-Tales of the British Isles, Moscow, Raduga Publishers, 1987

  3. William Shakespeare, The Complete Works of W.Shakespeare, vol.1-2, Paris, Baudry, 1838.

  4. Смирницкий А.И. Хрестоматия по истории английского языка с VII по XVII вв. Москва, МГУ, 1998.



Тихонова Аза Петровна

Сдано в набор 05.04.2004. Подписано в печать 26.05.2003. Бумага типографская № 1. Формат бумаги 84х108/16. Гарнитура Times New Roman. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ

Адыгейский государственный университет: 385000, г. Майкоп, ул. Первомайская, 208.