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Lesson 1 My Family


to introduce oneself – представиться, познакомиться

surname – фамилия

patronymic – отчество

to be smb’senior – быть кого-либо старше

to be smb’s junior – быть кого-либо младше

mother (mum) – мать (мама)

father (dad, daddy) – отец (папа)

grandparents – бабушка с дедушкой

grandmother (granny, grandma) – бабушка

grandfather(grandpa, granddad) – дедушка

grandchildren – внуки

aunt – тётя

uncle – дядя

cousin – двоюродный брат (сестра)

granddaughter – внучка

grandson – внук

nephew – племянник

niece – племянница

step-mother – мачеха

step-father – отчим

step-son – пасынок

step-daughter – падчерица

brother – брат

sister – сестра

twins – близнецы

father-in-law – свёкор, тесть

mother-in-law – свекровь, тёща

brother-in-law – шурин, зять, деверь

sister-in-law – невестка, золовка

daughter-in-law – невестка, сноха

son-in-law – зять

distant relative – дальний родственник

to take after – пойти в кого-либо

to be the image of – быть отражением кого-либо

to be seventeen (to be seventeen years old) – семнадцать лет

to be under seventeen – ещё нет семнадцати

to be over seventeen – более семнадцати

to be nearly eighteen – почти восемнадцать

to be under age yet – не достичь совершеннолетия (18 лет)

to be in one’s teens (13-19) – возраст от 13 до 19

to be a teen-ager – быть подростком

to be in one’s (early, mid, late) teens – возраст от 13 до 14, от 15 до 17, от 18 до 19

to be in one’s (early, mid, late) thirties – возраст от 29 до 30, от 30 до 38,от 39 до 40

to be a middle-aged person – человек среднего возраста

to be an elderly person – пожилой человек


Read and translate the text

My family

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander, Alec for short. My full name is Alexander Sergeyevich Orlov. Orlov is my surname, Alexander is my first name and Sergeyevich is my patronymic. I am not yet nineteen. At the moment I am a first-year student at the University.

My parents have two more children besides me. Thus I have got an older brother and a younger sister. My sister Helen is just out of school. She is seventeen. She is a pretty girl with brown hair and soft dark-brown eyes. Her dream is to become a pianist.

My brother, whose name is Michael, is eight years my senior. He is twenty-seven already. He is a builder. He is married and has a family of his own. They are four in the family. He has a wife and two children – a son and a daughter. They are twins. They are lovely little children with golden hair and dark-blue eyes. They are always full of joy and gaiety. His wife’s name is Nina. She is a surgeon by profession. They are not in St. Petersburg. They are in the Far East.

My parents are not old at all. Father is fifty, and Mother is three years his junior. My grandparents are already pensioners but they are still full of life and energy. They have a house in the country. Aunt Mary is with them.

She is a pleasant-looking woman of about forty. Uncle Nick, her husband, is a librarian. He is a clever man but a little unpractical. Aunt Mary, on the other hand, is very practical and full of common sense.

They have a son. He is my cousin. Peter is nineteen, and a fine manly fellow. He is at the University and is studying to be a chemist. He is a clever hard-working student, a first-class footballer and a good runner. He is strong, quiet and thoughtful like his father.

Answer the following questions:

1. Whose family is the text about? 2. How many are they in the family? 3. How many children have the Orlovs got? 4. Who is the elder son and where is he? 5. How old are the Orlovs' children? 6. How many grandchildren have Alexander's parents got? 7. How old are the twins? 8. What colour are their eyes and hair? 9. What is Michael's profession? 10. Have the Orlovs got a surgeon in the family? Who is it? 11. Who is the youngest child? 12. What is her name? 13. How old is Helen? 14. Is she a pianist already? 15. How old are Alexander's parents? 16. Has Alexander got any grandparents? 17. Are they pensioners? 18. Where have they got a house? 19. Who is living with them? 20. What is Alexander’s brother? 21. Has he got any aunts and uncles? 22. Is Peter Alec's junior or senior? 23. What is Peter studying? 24. What kinds of sport is Peter fond of?

Exercise 8. Transcribe the following words

to introduce, Alexander, surname, parents, younger, music, pianist, Michael, senior, junior, surgeon, energy, pensioner, pretty, gaiety, unpractical, cousin, chemist, librarian, footballer, quiet, thoughtful, manly, village.

Exercise 9. Mark the stresses in the following words

nineteen, birthday, university, patronymic, seventeen, grandfather, grandparents, grandchildren, housewife, dark-brown, pleasant-looking, hard-working

Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with the correct family member

  1. My mother's sister is my _______. 2. My daughter's brother is my _________. 3. My father's daughter is my ________. 4. My mum and dad are my _________. 5. My sister's son is my _________. 6. My aunt's son or daughter is my _________. 7. My father's brother is my _________. 8. My mother's father is my _________. 9. My daughter's son is my _________. 10. My brother's daughter is my _________.

Exercise 11. Fill in the sentences with the following words: grandmother; sister-in-law; half-sister; an only child; boyfriend; cousin; stepfather; nephew; uncle; godfather

1. The child of your aunt or uncle is your _________. 2. The mother of your mother or father is your _________. 3. The brother of your mother or father or the husband of your aunt is your _________. 4. The woman married to your brother or the sister of your husband or wife is your ____. 5. The son of your brother or sister or the son of your husband's or wife's brother is your ___ 6. Someone who has no brother or sister is _________. 7. A sister who is the daughter of only one of your parents is your _________.

8. A man who is responsible for the development and education of the child whose parents are dead is a _________. 9. The man who is married to your mother but is not your father is your _________. 10. A man or boy that has a romantic relationship with you is your _________.

Exercise 12. Find the correct words and write them into the gaps

Example: horadgmthner - ____________

Answer: horadgmthnergrandmother

1) fathre - 2) osn - 3) rbthoer - 4) sesitr - 5) othemr - 6) necul - 7) aarndgfther - 8) atnu -

9) nriachgdld - 10) agdtuehr -

Exercise 13. 1. Choose one of the names in the family tree below and say how the person is related to the other people. Note that the pictures of marriage partners are connected with wedding rings

Example: William Luke is Leon Luke's son, Philip Smith's nephew and Laura White's


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