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Практические цели: Обобщение и закрепление лексического материала по теме “Shopping”, закрепление навыков устной речи и изложения текста, ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом.

Buying Goods.

Our friend has offered us to take us with her when she went to do her shopping. We began in the shopping district where as Kitty says she and her kind do more of what they call “window shopping- deciding what things in the shop they are able to buy. We enter the store.

The first thing that strikes us is its comparative emptiness. There are, indeed two or three people at each counter. But no queues, no people in the center of the shop. We have been looking round. It is true that this store has all that can be found in very grocery. Tea, oatmeal, spices, cocoa, bacon, ham, butter, cheese and the rest.

“You needn't be surprised if I don't want to buy anything there”, our friend puts in. “This is far above folks like us” “But you could buy your tea and rice and things like that”, we suggest. “Not me”, she said; “the tea, and sugar and rice are in special blends and packs and cost a good deal more than I pay”. We notice that very little money changes hands; most of the customers in this shop pay monthly or quarterly. We pass on into another department. Expensive furs, beautiful evening frocks and cloaks, shoes of every pattern but all priced high..

Furnishing department, stationary department, book department, jewellery. All through the store there are many assistants.

Kitty winks at us and then goes up to an assistant. “Excuse me, can you tell me where I shall find warm woollies for my husband? ”

The assistant slowly looks Kitty up and down, taking in her shoes slightly down at the heels, her neat but inexpensive tweed winter coat, her little felt hat, and answers: “I am afraid you will find nothing to suit you here”. Kitty merely raises her eyebrows, and turns to us again, scarcely restraining her smile. - “There you are”, says Kitty. “We'd better pop in somewhere else.” So we enter another large store, but one this time which is humming with the buying chatter of obviously lower middle class.

The fish shops of which there are always many in England, the people being great lovers of fish, are today closed, as always on Monday's, otherwise we should see good displays of hake, haddock, cod and herrings for the working class tables. In the big stores materials are so well and tastefully displayed, that they look much better that they are.

Topical vocabulary.

  1. to offer предлагать

  2. to do shopping пойти по магазинам

  3. district район

  4. to strike удивлять

  5. comparative emptiness относительная пустота

  6. queue очередь

  7. oatmeal овсяная мука

  8. spices специи

  9. to be surprised удивляться

  10. to suggest предположить

  11. special blends специальные смеси

  12. to notice заметить

  13. furnishing department мебельный отдел

  14. jewellery драгоценности

  15. shop assistant продавец

  16. to suit подойти

  17. shoes of every pattern обувь разных фасонов

  1. to hum гудеть

  2. purchases покупки

  3. to pass on пройти

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What kind of store did Kitty take her friends to?

  2. Were there any queues in the store?

  3. Could the customers be seen to pay money for their purchases?

  4. How did the shop assistant react to Kitty's request and why?

  5. Do the shop windows display the merchandise to their advantage?

Ex. 2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Пойти по магазинам, разглядывать витрины, отчетливо видны, относительная пустота, центр магазина, незачем удивляться, не по средствам нашему брату, пройти в другой отдел, обувь всех фасонов, всюду в магазине, подойти к продавцу. Осмотреть сверху донизу, гудеть от голосов покупателей, заглянуть в другое место.

Ex. 3. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers.

  1. This coffee costs a good deal more than I pay.

  2. Yes, there is the food section over there. They usually have a good supply of teas there.

  3. They sell all kinds of over-coats on the second floor.

  4. I can't drag myself away from this jewellery show-case.

  5. They fed us invariably on fish in the morning, being passionate fish lovers.

Ex. 4. Give a short summary of the text.