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Verbs not used in the Continuous Form.

The following groups of verbs do not express a process, that is why they are not used in the Continuous Form:

  • Verbs denoting sense perceptionto see, to hear;

  • Verbs denoting mental activityto know, to believe, to think (= have an opinion), to doubt, to feel (= have an opinion), to guess, to imagine, to mean, to realize, to recognize, to remember, to suppose, to understand;

  • Verbs denoting wish- to want, to wish;

  • Verbs denoting feeling- to love, to like, to dislike, to hate, to prefer;

  • Verbs denoting abstract relations- to be, to have, to contain, to depend, to belong, to concern, to consist of, to deserve, to fit, to include, to involve, to lack, to matter, to need, to owe, to own, to possess, to appear, to resemble, to seem;

  • Verbs denoting physical properties of objectsto measure (= have length, etc.), to taste (= have a flavor), to smell (= give out a smell), to sound, to weigh (= have weight);

  • Verbs denoting affect or influence- to astonish, to impress, to please, to satisfy, to surprise.

NOTE: Such expressions as:

    • to see the sights of;

    • to see somebody home / off;

    • to have dinner (lunch, supper)

can be used in the Continuous Form.

They were seeing the sights of London when I met them.

He is having lunch.

  • denoting an opinion –cannot be used in the Continuous Form.

To think

  • denoting a process of thought- can be used in the Continuous Form.

1. I think you are right.

2. I am thinking of what you have just said.

  • meaning восхищаться- cannot be used in the Continuous Form.

To admire

  • meaning любоваться- can be used in the Continuous Form.

1. I admire this man very much.

2. What are you doing here? Admiring the moon?

Ex. 5. Continue in the negative.

1. John is standing.(lie down)

2. Father is shaving.(wash)

3. The boys are playing.(fight)

4. We are dancing.(jump)

5. They are speaking.(shout)

6. Mary is running.(walk)

8. I am eating.(drink)

Ex. 6. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

Example: Is mother very busy now?(type a report)

Yes, she is. She is typing a report.

1. Is Jerry very busy just now? (study)

  1. Are the students very busy just now?(read)

  2. Is Susan very busy just now?(have breakfast)

4. Are the Greens very busy just now?(shop)

  1. Is Miss Black very busy just now?(sew)

  2. Is Jane very busy just now?(wash up)

  3. Is Henry very busy just now?(skate)

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

1.На кого вы сейчас смотрите? – Я смотрю на эту старую даму.

2.С кем разговаривает ваш друг? – Он разговаривает с нашим преподавателем.

3. О чем вы рассказываете своим друзьям? – Я рассказываю им о своем отпуске.

4.Вы сейчас пишете диктант? – Нет, мы делаем упражнение?

5.Куда вы идете вечером? – Мы идем в цирк.

6. Кого встречают эти студенты? – Они встречают иностранных студентов.

7. Куда вы идете? – Я иду на фотовыставку.

Unit 9.


Text: A Man with a Bad Heart.

Grammar: The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense.

Практические цели: Ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме “Health”. Ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом, развитие навыков изучающего чтения и перевода на основе текста “A man with a bad heart ”, развитие умений и навыков аудирования, просмотрового чтения.

A Man with a Bad Heart.

Dan noticed afterward that Max coughed a great deal and was short of breath. After about a week Max said, "/ tore something loose, I think. It rattles when I breathe. Do you know a good heart doctor from a hospital? I don't want to go to my regular doctor. He's Sharon's doctor too and he'll tell her."

Dan remembered Dr. Flinch, the physician who had helped him so greatly with the patient with the lung cancer.

After his visit Max came directly to the drugstore. He looked somber.

"Is he a good doctor?"

"The best I've found so far".

"He said it was all right for you to call him. I was so nervous I don't remember anything he said".

Dan called the physician. The moment he hung up the receiver Max said, "What did he say?"

"You have a double lesion —".

"Don't talk to me in medical terms. Tell me so I can understand. What kind of operation do I have to do?"

"It's open heart surgery. They cut the heart open. They put a pump in its place so that you get oxygen while it's being worked on."

"Is the heart beating all the time"

"They stop it. It's a dangerous operation but you have no choice."

"I'm not getting any operation until Sharon has the baby."

Max opened ajar of pills and took one.

Topical vocabulary.

1. Healthy Здоровый

be in good health быть здоровым

feel well/be fine/all right хорошо себя чувствовать

be in good shape/fit быть в хорошей форме

2. Patient больной

in-patient стационарный больной

out-patient амбулаторный больной

3. hurt (adj.), (injured; wounded) пострадавший

4. be sick быть больным

5. be ill/feel ill (with) болеть

6. be out of order быть вне себя

7. be in poor/ill health иметь плохое здоровье

8. be in a bad (poor) shape быть в плохой форме

9. go down with заболеть

10. catch a disease заразиться

11. feel seedy плохо себя чувствовать

12. be in bad state быть в плохом настроении

13. take s turn for the worse наступило ухудшение

14. one’s health gave way здоровье сильно ухудшилось

15. not last more than не прожить дольше

16. get better выздоравливать

  1. ache боль (продолжительная, тупая)

  2. pain (n) боль

19.sore (adj.) воспаленный

have a sore throat болит горло

20.hurt (v) причинять боль, повреждать, ушибить

hurt (n) рана, повреждение, боль

21. disorder нарушение

sleep disorder расстройство сна

liver disorder расстройство печени

22. disturbance расстройство

visual disturbance расстройство зрения

21. fever лихорадка, жар

22. high blood pressure высокое кровяное давление

24. be clogged заложен (нос)

  1. catch a cold простудиться

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions.

1. Where did Dan and Max work?

2. Why did Max and Dan to phone Dr. Flinch?

3. What was wrong with Max?

4. Why didn't Max want to get the operation?

  1. How are Sharon and Max related?

Ex. 3. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Задыхаться, кашлять, дышать, врач, свой лечащий врач, пациент, аптека, медицинские термины, опасная операция, операция на открытом сердце, родить ребенка, склянка с пилюлями, специалист по сердечным болезням, кислород.

Ex. 4. Translate the story from Russian into English.

“Я думаю, это все, миссис Грант,” - сказал доктор Колд и протянул ей список предписаний. Список был очень длинным, и миссис Грант чуть не упала в обморок пока дочитала его до конца. У нее болела голова, у нее была простуда, у нее начинался грипп. В довершении всего, у одного из ее детей была свинка. “Я также прописал Вам таблетки от повышенного давления, ” - сказал доктор Колд. “Сколько таблеток я должна принимать?” “Одну таблетку после каждого приема пищи, то есть три таблетки в день.” Миссис Грант поблагодарила доктора и с трудом дошла до аптеки. Она протянула свой длинный список аптекарю – мистеру Вайту. Мистер Вайт весело приветствовал ее. “Вот это здоровье!” сказал он, взглянув на список.

Grammar: The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense.

Regular verb + -ed

Past Indefinite-

Irregular Verbs (see list of irregular verbs)




I worked / wrote

I did not work / write

Did I work / write

I didn’t work / write

The Past Indefinite (Simple) may denote:

  • an action performed in the past:

We entered the house in silence.

He met us at the station.

  • a succession of past actions:

He shut the window, switched off the light and went upstairs.

  • a repeated action in the past:

He made an entry in his diary every night.

NOTE: Repeated actions are often expressed by

Used to + Infinitive

Would + Infinitive

He would spend all days locked in his room.

When I was young I used to work much.

Ex. 5. Put the verbs in the following sentences into the negative and interrogative forms.1. She saw your brother. 2.We heard a terrible noise. 3. He slept till 10.00. 4. He looked at the picture. 5. They drank all the wine. 6. They set out early enough. 7. She thought about it. 8. The police caught the thief. 9. He hid the letter. 10. She found her watch. 11 His nose bled. 12. My mother chose this hotel.

Ex. 6. Give the three forms of the verbs given below. Lay, pay, beat, become, blow, burn, buy, choose, hide, fly, forget, sell, stop, forgive, grow, hold, keep, let, mean, retell, ride, send, shake, strike, think, drive, come, feel, get, have, leave, sleep, speak, teach, weep, write.

Ex. 7. Explain the use of the Past Indefinite Tense in the following sentences.1. We had a nice walk two days ago. 2. When did the last conference take place? 3. He visited his native town in 1980. 4. The man entered the room, sat down at the table, ordered some food, and began to read a newspaper. 5. It rained a great deal last summer. 6. The sun rose at 5 o’clock.

Ex. 8. Make questions to which the words in italics are the answers.1. At half past twelve Miss Green stopped her work and went out to lunch. 2. Yes, I woke up at a quarter past seven. 3. Little Kate liked a lot of sugar in her tea. 4. You put the book on the top shelf. 5. Mary drank coffee at breakfast uesterday.6. No, I didn’t go to the University last Saturday.

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into English.1. В прошлом году Петя жил в деревне. 2. После завтрака он работал в саду и сажал цветы перед домом. 3. Когда вы видели этот фильм? 4. Он записался в нашу библиотеку в прошлом году. 5. Вчера он не ходил в кино. 6. Моя сестра купила последнюю новеллу в понедельник.

Unit 10.


Text: What do you know about disease?

Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense.