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Topics for Presentations

  1. Syntax and syntagmatics.

  2. Triple dependence of word, phraseological unit and word-combination.

  3. Lexical and syntactic syntagms.

  4. EFL learning in terms of the theory of syntagmatics.

Test Questions

  1. What is syntagmatics?

  2. What is the difference between monolexemic words, phraseological units and word-combinations?

  3. What is the difference between the structural and distributional rules approaches to the study of word-combinations?

  4. What does the categorial approach imply?

  5. Why is the prosodic analysis of word-combinations so important?

  6. Why is combining words in a living language knowledge for all people and an art for some?

Written Tasks

  1. Comment on the following examples in terms of the opposition of syntax and syntagmatics:

  • Delightful, joyousness, unkindly, tight-fitting, home-made, working encyclopedia, white smile, burglar-alarm, readership, undercooked, two-faced, uninterested, top-secret, fag-end, cloudless, cupboard love, science fiction, curry favour, time-consuming, package holiday, windscreen-wiper, dreadful, acceptance, Harvard University Business School, laughing sky.

  1. In the following texts compare and contrast the word-combinations with their Russian equivalents in order to reveal their collocational peculiarities.

Text 1

Charles had a rough time with him in the back seat; he was trying for some reason to take off his clothes and he only stopped the attempt when Charles hit him on the jaw. Then he became normal, if you can call alternate fits of weeping and blasphemy normal. I was in that final stage where the mind grasps fully the fact of being drunk, orders the limbs and senses to behave themselves, and finds them obeying seconds too late. The night was steaming with heat like a great animal; you could see it rising from the ground. And the roads were slippery; twice the car shimmied into a long skid the worst part of which was that though I knew I ought to care whether or not I came out of it alive, I didn’t give a damn. I was, in a crazy way, enjoying it.

( John Braine “Room at the top”).

Text 2

As we have stressed before, it is a misconception that in the field of ESP the trainer needs to be an expert in the subject matter. He or she is not teaching business strategies, nor good management practice, nor economic theory. If the learners need to know about these things (as is sometimes the case with pre-experienced learners) they will learn them from other sources. The language trainer’s task is to train businesspeople to communicate in English about the subjects they are specialized in.

(Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson “Teaching Business English”).

  1. In the following text look up word-combinations in a monolingual dictionary. Explain why some of them are not registered by dictionaries.

Chickens do not always enjoy an honourable position among city-bred people, although the egg, I notice, goes on and on. Right now the hen is in favour. The war has deified her and she is the daring of the home front, feted at conference tables, praised in every smoking car, her girlish ways and curious habits the topic of many an excited husbandryman to whom yesterday she was a stranger without honour or allure.

My own attachment to the hen dates from 1907, and I have been faithful to her in good times and bad. Ours has not always been an easy relationship to maintain. At first, as a boy in a carefully zoned suburb, I had neighbours and police to reckon with; my chickens had to be as closely guarded as an underground newspaper. Later, as a man in the country, I had my old friends in town to reckon with, most of whom regarded the hen as a comic prop straight out of vaudeville. (“ The Book of American Humor”).

Recommended Literature

  1. Akhmanova Olga (ed.). Word-combination: Theory and Method. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1974.

  2. Александрова О.В, Комова Т.А Современный английский язык. Морфология и синтаксис. М., 1998.

  3. Alexandrova Olga, Ter-Minasova Svetlana. English Syntax (Collocation, Colligation and Discourse). Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1987.