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Теория АЯ = 74 часа=Методичка - 43 с. -.doc
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Examination questions

  1. The object of lexicology. Types of lexical units.

  2. The morphological structure of an English word. Productivity and affixation.

  3. Types of homonyms. The origin of homonyms. Etymological homonyms. Homonymy as "next step in polysemy."

  4. V.V.Vinogradov’s theory of the main types of lexical meanings.

  5. Synonymy. Synonymic dominant. Contextual and total synonyms. Sources of synonymy. Synonymic condensation.

  6. Paronymy. Paronymic attraction in various registers.

  7. The difference between free word-combinations and collocations. Phrasal verbs. Their structure and meaning. Nominalized forms. Idioms proper.

  8. Lexical stratification of a scientific text. Terminology. The difference between terms and words of general language.

  9. The sources of term formation. Different types of borrowings.

  10. The main postulates of learner's lexicography. Learner’s monolingual dictionaries of English in the user’s perspective.

  11. The problem of semantic equivalence in bilingual dictionaries. Bilingual dictionaries in the user’s perspective.

  12. The object of morphology. The difference between lexical and grammatical morphology. The concept of grammatical morphological category. Grammatical form. Marked/ unmarked grammatical forms.

  13. The categories of tense, taxes and aspect of the verb in English and Russian .

  14. Syntax and syntagmatics. The difference between monolexemic words, phraseological units and word-combinations. Categorial approach to the study of word-combinations.

  15. The notion of a sentence. Predication. Syntactic bond.

  16. Static syntax. Non-predicative syntactic bonds. Secondary parts of the sentence. Dynamic syntax. Predicative bond. Actual division of the sentence.

  17. Parenthetic insertion. Classification of insertions. Phrasing and syntagms. Phrasing in oral speech.

  18. Hypersyntax. Types of paragraphs. Paragraph arrangement.

  19. Stylistics. Definition of the term "connotation" The types of connotations.