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UMP English for future bankers and financiers C...doc
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Final discussion

Preparing for final discussion, try to search for extra information in special editions, magazines and financial text-books. Consult your teachers of special subjects and use the Internet resources. It is recommended to subdivide the group into 3-4 subgroups for better organization of the discussion.

Questions for discussion.

1. Suppose you are planning to set up a new bank. What will be its organizational form and functions depending on the objectives you aim at?

2. Draw up an organization chart of your future bank. What are the modern tendencies in banking in your country and abroad?

3. In what way does the regulation of banks differ from the regulation of other business firms (for example, automobile manufacturing companies)?

4. Some bankers contend that federal legislation authorizing interstate banking in the United States is unnecessary because changes in technology, competitive relationship and state laws have made federal interstate banking prohibitions irrelevant. Discuss this position.

5. In what ways can the activity of the public affect bank reserves and money supply growth?

Unit 2. Bank deposits Part 1. Reading Practice

Vocabulary notes

to accrue

— накапливаться

balance sheet

— балансовый отчет

to cancel a cheque

— аннулировать чек

compound interest

— сложные проценты

to deposit money with a bank

— внести деньги в банк


— запас, резерв, фонд

to insure against

— страховать(ся)

to pay interest on

— выплачивать процент по

joint account

— совместный счет


— ликвидный


— срок платежа

to give notice



— 1) вьпущенный в обращение, 2) не предъявленный к платежу, задолженный


— овердрафт, превышение кредитного лимита

to overdraw

— допускать овердрафт, превышать кредитный лимит

passbook savings deposit

— счет на сберкнижке


— 1) номинал векселя, 2) капитал, 3) основной должник


— проводка

to reconcile

— выверять счет

time certificate

— срочный сертификат


— переводной

to withdraw a deposit

—отозвать вклад, взять вклад из банка

to charge a fee (comission)

—взимать комиссионный сбор (плату за услуги)

to carry an interest rate

— приносить процент (о вкладах)

1. Make up several sentences of your own using the vocabulary notes. Read them aloud for your group-mates and ask someone to translate.