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V. There are the four most important meanings of off.

  1. Leaving and Beginning: see off, set off, take off, go off.

  • She saw him off at the station.

  • We set off on our journey on the 1 st of October.

  • The huge aircraft was taking off leaving a steady stream behind.

  • His wife had gone off with postman.

  1. Rejecting and Preventing: keep off, put off.

  • We kept off the subject of money.

  • Don't put it off till tomorrow, do it today.

  1. Stopping and Cancelling: break off, call off.

  • She broke off in the middle of a sentence.

  • She accepted the invitation, but called it off at the last moment.

  1. Finishing and Completing: pay off, show off (doesn't exactly belong to group D).

  • He had paid off his gambling debts.

  • She is showing off — she wants everybody to admire her.

Ex. 1. Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following defini­tions.

  1. When you ... someone ... , you go with them to ihe station, airport or port.

  2. When you , you start your journey.

  3. If you an event or appointment, you delay or postpone it.

  4. If someone wants you to stay away, he says that you should

  5. If you cancel an appointment or invitation you ... it ... .

  6. When a rocket or an aircraft leaves the ground we say that it

  7. When an employee pays in full and discharges the workers he ... them ... .

8. If a person tries to impress others with his talents, possessions, appearance he

Ex. 2. Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. Trans­late the sentences.

  1. The most common reason a. on another four-day journey for borrowing through the desert.

  2. When things began to go b. on Thursday and Friday, wrong

  3. The car took off c. to keep off the mosquitoes.

  4. Classes will be called off d. with great noise like a rocket.

  5. We have a veil all round e. is to pay off existing loans, our bed

  6. The meeting can't be put off f. has gone off with the money, any more.

  7. The bank is closed. The g. I'll take you to the station, manager

  8. If no one is seeing you off h. We have to hold it this week.

  9. We set off i. he broke off the relation ship.

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Ден отправился в деревню за помощью. 2. Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня. 3. Мы не уходили из аэропорта, пока самолет не взлетел. 4. Пленный сбежал ночью, захватив весь наш провиант и винтовку. 5. Шеф отправил меня в командировку, но в последний момент отменил свое распоряжение. 6. Он разорвал помолвку за несколько дней до свадьбы. 7. Она любит покрасоваться и похвастать своими нарядами. 8. Мне не нравится, как он себя ведет, и я стараюсь избежать его общества. 9. Они отправились в кругосветное путешествие. 10. Меня провожало в путь множество людей. 11. Несмотря на туман, самолеты взлетали и садились, используя современную технику. 12. Проводник (guide) просил нас держаться подальше от края пропасти (precipice). 13. Этот навес (canopy) защищает нас от дождя и солнца. 14. Случилось что-то невероятное, он позвонил час назад и отменил свое приглашение.

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